<br>Bump is just a post that bumps it up on the list, like it will be the newest post for that moment usually. It just keeps it so more people can see it.<br><br>And sure thing a-sap dear!
Well, when either all of them are gone, or i'm getting the real eggs then i'll pm you with the code to put in your siggy. We will probably take a look at the size you already have and make the chicken one small enough to fit. Banner size can be like a max of 500x200 so if you had 2 ones that were 100x150 that would be 200 height (the max) and 300 length so you could have a 200x200 one at most. <br>Hope that wasn't to confusing.
Well, when either all of them are gone, or i'm getting the real eggs then i'll pm you with the code to put in your siggy. We will probably take a look at the size you already have and make the chicken one small enough to fit. Banner size can be like a max of 500x200 so if you had 2 ones that were 100x150 that would be 200 height (the max) and 300 length so you could have a 200x200 one at most. <br>Hope that wasn't to confusing.
<br> meh brain just exploded.
Sweatshirts - the best way of showing school spirit without getting off the couch
Well, when either all of them are gone, or i'm getting the real eggs then i'll pm you with the code to put in your siggy. We will probably take a look at the size you already have and make the chicken one small enough to fit. Banner size can be like a max of 500x200 so if you had 2 ones that were 100x150 that would be 200 height (the max) and 300 length so you could have a 200x200 one at most. <br>Hope that wasn't to confusing.
<br><br>hhhmmm I get part of it xD the last part, my brain went <span style="font-style:italic">KABOOM!</span>
lol.<br>Title says it ends tomorrow night. May take a few requests if someone really wants on Sunday. We get the acutal eggs Sunday so you'll get your icon and more info by pm on here either tomorrow night or Sunday. So its ending very soon.
oh soccer. forgot to say, since #7 had already been filled you only have your name on #10. would you like 1-2 more? the list at the bottom w/ less than 3 names per one is where you can pick the others you want. <br><br>Same with:<br>Pepper<br>Cheyenne<br>Keeke<br>Lizzy<br>PishPosh<br>Koshi<br><br><br>you can have up to 3 or 4 if you want so i'm just letting you know.