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MS Paint Rabbit

edited March 2008 in Artist Alley
Felt like procrastinating, so I decided to draw a rabbit in MS Paint. :P<br><br><br>Never really tried using MS paint.. I usually get frustrated with it, so I leave it alone.. XD This time I pushed myself to get it done.<br><br>Muah.<br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br>No ref was used.. Took like.. 30 minutes maybe? I didn't record it or anything.<br><br>(M '08 is a signature, not actually part of the rabbit, sand, or anything else. XD)<br><br><br>I don't want critique, you can comment, but don't say things like "Well, his feet look messed up," because I wasn't trying for perfection.<br><br><br>- Ana
On an indefinite hiatus.


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