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Kyle's Siberian Husky, Alfredo, was just put down.<br>It really was the kindest thing for him; he didn't have quality of life anymore. He was really old, had diabetes [had to get shots twice a day], skin and bones from being sick [he was fed fine].<br>Kyle's taking it so hard. He cried. He never cries. When I got the email, I started crying too. I barely knew Alfredo, but he was beautiful, and he meant so much to Kyle...I hate seeing him like this.<br>It also brought back the memories about losing the 4 dogs that I have. The Great Dane...the Lab x Springer mix...the German Shepherd x Husky mix...and of course, the Papillon. I'm bawling right now. I miss them all, but the Papillon...he died in my friggin arms. I never got the chance to say goodbye, it was so sudden. He was having seizures all night and the vets couldn't stop it. They only stopped when he died - in my arms. That's the hardest thing I've ever been through. <br>I'm reliving that night right now. I know how Kyle feels. I don't want him to hurt. I don't want to hurt. I hope Alfredo and Giggy are running together right now. And Alfredo wouldn't be sick anymore. He'd be young, and so would Giggy. And Brutis, Shep, and Baron too. I just wish it wasn't so hard to say goodbye.


  • Aww, Kite. I am so sorry. Alfie is much happier now that he is in heaven. Go give your BF a big hug.
    topleaf-1.pngleafyegg.gif<-Lenny *hugs lolo*
  • I'm not religious, but thanks all the same <3 I'll be sure to hug Kyle when I see him next, not that I wouldn't anyway, but I'll give him a extra special hug this time. :(
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