well this is my new story so I decided to let you guys see what I have so far, which is the prolouge. it's about wolves and it's <span style="text-decoration:underline">fantasy</span> okay. don't tell me it's unrealistic.<br><br><span style="font-size:150">Prologue</span><br><br> <span style="font-size:75">Year 2611<br><span style="font-style:italic">The wolves seem to be getting on well enough. Though they haven’t developed any powers we can determine yet. It’s definitely a disappointment.</span> <br> On Mutants<br> Dr. Karl Montegomery</span><br><br> They had been trapped for eleven years, but they had not aged a single day. There were ten wolves. All were mutated somehow- in some way. Every single one of them had something different that had changed about them. And all had been sleeping soundly for the past ten years. A frightening thing really.<br> Dr. Karl Montegomery had been desperate to see some change in his… his, well his “creationsâ€