This is always handy to have around when you have animals.<br><br><span style="font-size:150"><span style="font-weight:bold">To Induce Or Not To Induce </span></span><br><br>The following vomit guide is taken from Dogs: The Ultimate Care <br>Guide, Good Health,Loving Care, Maximum Longevity, published by <br>Rodale Press, Inc.<br><br>Should I induce vomiting?<br><span style="color:red">Antifreeze - Yes <br>Arsenic (ant/rat/mouse poison) - Yes<br>Aspirin - Yes</span><br>Battery acid - NO<br>Bleach - NO<br><span style="color:red">Crayons - Yes</span><br>Drain cleaner - NO<br>Fertilizer - NO<br>Furniture polish - NO<br>Glue - NO<br>Household Cleaners - NO<br><span style="color:red">Insecticides (flea/tick dips) - Yes</span><br>Kerosene - NO<br><span style="color:red">Kitchen matches - Yes</span><br>Laundry detergent - NO<br><span style="color:red">Medications - Yes</span><br>Motor oil - NO<br>Nail polish - NO<br>Paint thinner - NO<br>Painbrush cleaner - NO<br>Paste (glue) - NO<br>Pine-oil cleaners - NO<br>Plaster, putty - NO<br><span style="color:red">Shampoo - Yes<br>Shoe polish - Yes</span><br>Toilet bowl cleaners - NO<br>Turpentine - NO<br><span style="color:red">Weed killers- Yes</span><br><br>Inducing:<br>One teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide for each ten pounds of body <br>weight can quickly induce vomiting. If you're fresh out of <br>hydrogen peroxide, try a combination of one tablespoon of dry <br>mustard and one cup of cold water. But, as indicated in the <br>chart above, vomiting should never be induced when trying to <br>purge caustic substances such as drain cleaner and petroleum-<br>based products that can burn twice -- once when they do go down <br>and again if they are vomited. Also, if your pooch is having <br>trouble breathing, having seizures, has a slow heart rate, is <br>unconscious, or has a bloated stomach, never induce vomiting.<br><br>The Illinois-based National Animal Poison Control Center is <br>available at 217 333 2053. For emergency calls: 900 680 0000. <br>Cost is $20 for the first five minutes; $2.95 for each <br>additional minute. A flat rate of $30 per case is available. <br>Call 800 548 2423 or 888 4-ANI-HELP.<br><br>DISCLAIMER -- This is not meant to substitute the advice of your veterinarian. If your pet has consumed anything toxic or questionable, please get him to the vet ASAP)<br><br><br><br><span style="font-size:150"><span style="font-weight:bold">Poisonous Household Plants</span></span><br><br>A <br>- Aloe <br>- Amaryllis <br>- Andromeda Japonica <br>- Asian Lily (Liliaceae) <br>- Asparagus Fern <br>- Australian Nut <br>- Autumn Crocus <br>- Avocado <br>- Azalea <br><br>B - Bird of Paradise <br>- American Bittersweet <br>- European Bittersweet <br>- Branching Ivy <br>- Buckeye <br>- Buddist Pine <br><br>C <br>- Caladium <br>- Calla Lily <br>- Castor Bean <br>- Ceriman (aka Cutleaf Philodendron) <br>- Charming Diffenbachia <br>- Chinaberry Tree <br>- Chinese Evergreen <br>- Christmas Rose <br>- Clematis <br>- Cordatum <br>- Corn Plant (aka Cornstalk Plant) <br>- Cornstalk Plant (aka Corn Plant) <br>- Cutleaf Philodendron (aka Ceriman) <br>- Cycads <br>- Cyclamen <br><br>D <br>- Daffodil <br>- Day Lily <br>- Devil's Ivy <br>- Dumb Cane <br>- Deadly Nightshade (See Nightshade) <br><br>E - Easter Lily <br>- Elephant Ears <br>- Emerald Feather (aka Emerald Fern) <br>- Emerald Fern (aka Emerald Feather) <br>- English Ivy <br><br>F - Fiddle-Leaf Philodendron <br>- Flamingo Plant <br>- Florida Beauty <br>- Foxglove <br>- Fruit Salad Plant <br><br>G <br>- Glacier Ivy <br>- Gladiolas <br>- Glory Lily <br>- Gold Dieffenbachia <br>- Gold Dust Dracaena <br>- Golden Pothos <br>- Green Gold Nephthysis <br><br>H <br>- Hahn's self branching English Ivy <br>- Heartleaf Philodendron <br>- Heavenly Bamboo <br>- Holly <br>- Horsehead Philodendron <br>- Hurricane Plant <br>- Hyacinth <br>- Hydrangea <br><br>I - Iris <br><br>J - Japanese Show Lily <br>- Japanese Yew (aka Yew) <br>- Jerusalem Cherry <br><br>K <br>- Kalanchoe <br><br>L- Lace Fern <br>- Lacy Tree <br>- Lily of the Valley <br><br>M <br>- Macadamia Nut <br>- Madagascar Dragon Tree <br>- Marble Queen <br>- Marijuana <br>- Mauna Loa Peace Lily (aka Peace Lily) <br>- Mexican Breadfruit <br>- Mistletoe "American" <br>- Morning Glory <br>- Mother-in-Law <br><br>N - Narcissus <br>- Needlepoint Ivy <br>- Nephthytis <br>- Nightshade <br><br>O <br>- Oleander <br>- Onion <br>- Orange Day Lily <br><br>P - Panda <br>- Peace Lily (aka Mauna Loa Peace Lily) <br>- Philodendron Pertusum <br>- Plumosa Fern <br>- Precatory Bean <br><br>Q <br>- Queensland Nut <br><br>R- Red Emerald <br>- Red Lily <br>- Red-Margined Dracaena (aka Straight-Margined Dracaena) <br>- Red Princess <br>- Rhododendron <br>- Ribbon Plant (Dracaena sanderiana) <br>- Rubrum Lily <br><br>S <br>- Saddle Leaf Philodendron <br>- Sago Palm <br>- Satin Pothos <br>- Schefflera <br>- Spotted Dumb Cane <br>- Stargazer Lily <br>- Striped Dracaena <br>- Sweetheart Ivy <br>- Swiss Cheese Plant <br><br>T <br>- Taro Vine <br>- Tiger Lily <br>- Tomato Plant <br>- Tree Philodendron <br>- Tropic Snow Dumbcane <br>- Tulip <br><br>V - Variable Dieffenbachia <br>- Variegated Philodendron <br><br>W - Warneckei Dracaena <br>- Wood Lily <br><br>Y <br>- Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow <br>- Yew (aka Japanese Yew) <br>- Yucca
