It's called a "10 Horse Goal."-also posted on FP-<br><br>Alright. I decided to take a break from attempting to draw dogs. I am looking for my muse, so while I'm looking, I'll call it with my horsies. x3 Basically, I want to improve on both head studies and full bodies. And all you horse and art people can help me. What I'm going to do, is draw 3 head shots, and 7 full bodies(notice where I'm focusing, hm?) Just to get my basic anatomy straight. But with the full bodies especially, I don't want all/most to be just those stand still ones. Which is the main reason I picked the photographer for references I did.<br><br>Basically, I need you guys to red line to your hearts desire and critique 'til I'm in tears(x3) And I need an idea on different poses of the fulls. I have 1-2 in mind. And I am willing to do some foals mixed in. The basic idea of this is to not get attached to one thing. Spwee! Understand my goal now? Good, good.<br><br><a href="" target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br>These are the reference pictures. I have messaged the photographer and have received permission to use any of the images as reference.<br><br>So. Now all I need are the poses and such chosen.
<br><br><br><br>And.. I want you guys to help me choose the images. ^^ Cause I know ya'll luff me.
Boz's Art Dump