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Amazin dog tricks ^,^

Is there anything you've taught your dog to do, that you haven't heard of before? Post here =)<br><br><br>I taught my dog Roxy [german shepherd/lab] to give hugs. If you walk up to her, and pat your stomach, she jumps up. Then you rub her right side and say "I want a hug" and she put her front legs around you and lays her head on you.<br><br>Tis too cute ^.^


  • I taught my Maltizu,Scooter to dance while giving me kisses on the chin.And I taught my cat to put her forelegs on my leg for a treat
  • My cousin's Pit Bull x Lab mix can say "I love you" ^^ If you say "Ebony, I love you!" she goes "ROO ROOOO ROO!" Its so cute X3
  • My german shepherd died. So I have no dog to teach tricks to.
  • When I Shoot my dog (not literally, just pow) she will do a dramatic death and lay there. Her eyes even stay still and her tail stops wagging. <br>She also knows how to "wait" for me to catch up while she is running, or "wait" to eat.
    topleaf-1.pngleafyegg.gif<-Lenny *hugs lolo*
  • i taught my female GSD, sheba to:<br><span style="color:red">-play dead</span><br> =i say bang and then make my hand look like a gun and point it at her. she makes this noise like she fell over or just made a sound as she died, and then she lays there like she dead<br><span style="color:red">-sit pretty</span><br> =i have her sit on her back legs and she brings her front legs up to her chest<br><span style="color:red">-prayers</span><br> =i based it off of sit pretty. when she brings her legs to her chest i say prayers and she puts her nose inbetween her arms like she is praying<br><span style="color:red">-turn on/off light</span><br> =i say light on/off and she goes to the switch on my bedroom wall and shuts the lights off, or turns them on<br><span style="color:red">-balance</span><br> =i made her stay still and then i put a treat on her nose and made her stay there. the longest she did it was 25 minutes<br><span style="color:red">-guard</span><br> =i say guard and point to something or a person. she goes to them and circles them to guard them so they dont run away. its part of her herding insnict that GSD's have. dogs also do this when they are police trained. a policeman would have the dog guard a criminal once they are caught. once the dog guards the criminal, if the criminal tries to run, they would have to push the dog away. but their chances of making it away are slim.<br><span style="color:red">-crawl</span><br> =i put my hand to the ground and say crawl. she goes to the ground and crawls. if you have ever watched eight below. when the female dog crawls on the ground to save the doc. guy or whoever he is, thats what i taught Sheba.<br><span style="color:red">-climb</span><br> =just a fun trick...i taught her how to climb trees. my dog is obsessed with me and if i am in a tree, she must follow me.
  • xD My dog's lame. She does chew her food/treats/etc on command tho'. xD And she can say please. =3 We'll tell her to 'say please' and she'll make this -really- soft barking sound, and then we'll give her a treat and tell her to chew it, and she makes a point of not inhaling it. xD<br><br>My friend's dog was amazing tho'. She knew more simple commands, but they were great. xD<br><br>"Where's your baby?" - She'd go and find one of her dog-shaped toys.<br><br>"Annie, be a lady." - She'd instantly calm down, sit, and wait. She was a pretty aggressive dog, but when one of the brothers who owned her said that, she'd instantly turn all nice and pretty.<br><br>"Annie, get the kitty!" - She'd fling herself to the door and wait for "Go ahead," where she would only go into the yard. It took more prompting for her to even leave the yard. xD No, she never 'got the kitty'.<br><br>"Annie, give me a kiss. ^^" - She'd bounce up to rest her paws on your shoulders, and give you a single lick on the face before going back to what she was doing.<br><br>"Wait for it." - She'd let you balance treats and stuff on her nose and just wait til you said "Go for it." Then she'd toss it in the air and catch it.<br><br>She was great. <3 Aggressive towards most other dogs and -hates- to see people hit each other (IE: she had to be kept inside when we sword fought xD, and the guys weren't allowed to play slap jack). Pretty collie/shepherd. =D
  • I spent lots of time training my dogs as puppy's, from obedience to fun tricks, I believe that all dogs should be trained at a young age, never wait until its too late and they develop bad habits. But yes I know that sometimes you get an older dog from the pound, then it just takes patiences and time, but any dog can be trained if you work hard.<br><br>xD I taught my dog, Cody, to open his kennel door with his paw, go inside of it, close it with his paw, (he wraps his claws around the wire) then he eventually opens it back up with his nose ^.^ Taught him that in 2 hours >.>.<br>Cody also knows: Speak, stand up, dance, turn on lights and off lights, open doors close doors, ring a bell to go outside, roll over, spin, heal, jump (5 feet and over) and all the basic tricks<br><br>And Jasper (my dog) knows this neat trick where he only eats a treat when I its from a good person. Like is I say its from the vets office, he turns his head and looks away, and if I say its from mom, he gets happy and takes the treat happily from my hands, but if I say its from the pound, he turns away and looks sad and wont take the treat, bit if I say its from grandma he takes it happily xD I got the Idea from a funny video clip I saw on either AFV or YouTube x3 Jasper has suck lovely facial expressions xD<br>Jasper also knows: all the basic obedience tricks, heal, speak, roll over, spin, jump, agility (hes now getting to old for it though) take a bow, sneak/ crawl, Smile (looks like hes bearing his teeth) sit pretty, stand up, dance, chase the moose away xD. And he knows lots more >.>
    Willing to slave art for a sponcer upgrade.
  • I feel kinda outdone XD<br><br>My dog can jump on command. I make a "tsk tsk" noise, and shell jump over whatever you put in front of her. They also know "Wait" and other simple commands.
  • My dogs all know simple tricks XD Unless you count Agility stuff, Tucker knows all that. <br><br>Though, I did teach Abby an amazing trick yesterday. 'leave it' I set a piece of food on the floor, told her to leave it, and whenn I said "Ok" she ran over and ate it XD<br><br>Only reason I say it's none of my other dogs would be able to resist it XD<br><br>My favorite trick of Tucker's is Touch. Holding my left hand out, I say touch, and it doesnt matter where he's at, he runs up and touches his nose against my hand ^.^ Works great to get him to come when he's not listening, he listens to that more than come XD
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • Well since I dont have a dog..<br><br>My cat comes when you whistle or meow. She also meows back to you when you are talking to her. <br><br>It's no dog but I think that's ok for a cat. xD
  • Lol. I got a dog from the pound early summer of last year. He's totally aggressive to anything/anyone outside of the immediate family and my bff who he sees on a regular basis and my other dogs. He's already bit two dogs >.> on a walk. I was dragged both times.<br><br>Anyway's he's incredibly smart. I have two other dogs, but they've lived with me for like... 4yrs each and its no big deal anymore. All I do is cuddle them >.> Well, Onyx'll play dead, stay, come, sit, down, etc. Heel is something he doesnt get unless we're just in the back yard. <br><br>But, he knows this really cool trick to bow. He'll tuck one leg under him and like bend over. O.o It's so cute. >D<br><br>Kona & Ace'll pick up their toys and hold stuff in their mouth. I once filled one of those big round like.. home depot buckets with like five toys each and made them carry the buckets around the house. It was cute. They'll also stay, leave it, and jump when asked. :D<br><br>But yea, my neighbor had a dog who could play hide and seek. It was crazy. She would sit back on her hind legs and place her forepaws on a wall or something. Then she'd tuck her face in between her forepaws and wait while we count to like... 10 or something. Then we'd say GO GET EM! and she'd shoot off to find whoever went hiding. >D It was so cute :D
  • Pocco and Sysco know "Wait"...when they feel like it. That's about it. :oops:
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