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Woo ^.^ Advanced class

K, so at our school, people in my grade [if they want] can take a Typing Class (where you learn to place fingers correctly on keyboard and learn the keys and such)<br>My friend Cliff and I have been typing faster than anyone else in that class and we've been bored with what the teacher is teaching because we already knew all of the keys and such.<br><br>So today, at the beginning of the class, the teacher quizzed us to see if we could go to Advanced Typing and both of us passed! So, we're staying in the same class but we have to teach ourselves the Advanced Typing stuff, which we aren't even supposed to be close to doing yet. <br><br>Woo!<br><br>K, done with excitement.


  • Wow XD<br><br>I've memorized the keyboard...and I only use my pointer fingers. The whole putting certain fingers on certain keys never worked for me. It slowed me down so much. Now, when I type at school (with my 2 fingers), people have literally stopped and stared. I type faster with 1 finger than my dad does with all of his XD
  • I hunt and peck and am faster than people typing the correct way xD
  • i also peck and am super fast!
  • Wow XD<br><br>I've memorized the keyboard...and I only use my pointer fingers. The whole putting certain fingers on certain keys never worked for me. It slowed me down so much. Now, when I type at school (with my 2 fingers), people have literally stopped and stared. I type faster with 1 finger than my dad does with all of his XD
    <br><br>I do that both ways ^.^ Usually, when not in school, I type with two fingers otherwise I type with all of them at school and am still typing 60-70 wpm using correct typing stuffs
  • I type with all. I dun usually use my pinkie though..
  • Dreamland wrote:
    I type with all. I dun usually use my pinkie though..
    <br><br>Me too xD
    Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel :)
  • I type with all (at least 80 wpm, faster when I'm actually paying attention)... Can't imagine typing with only two fingers :P
  • lol I use to peck keys with just my two fingers but when I <span style="font-weight:bold">finally</span> got the gist of the whole asdfghjkl; thing, it made it so much easier. Sometimes I actually try to do the hunt and peck thing and it gives me a headache. Its just natural to put my fingers on the keys now. I dont even have to look at the keyboard or the computer. It has been so long since I have taken a typing class I have no idea what my wpm is.
  • OK This is me pecking.. wow, it"s different. DANGIT! I couldn't do it :)<br><br>Wowzah! Lucky Darky! I am okay at typing.. my dad isn't a computer person. so he looks down and uses his two pointer fingers and is like.. "where's the s.. hmm"<br><br>and my mom dosen't capitalize her I's.. and I'm like, "MOM! Why aren't you doing that?" and she says "Hun! We're 'chatting'"<br><br>:)
    I had my first Grapple! 1/2/09
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