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Idea: Custom Brand Image

Here's a notion I had, see if there is any interest.<br><br>I was thinking what if we could use our own custom image behind the brand letters. So we would have the option to upload a 70 by 70 gif or jpeg(same size as the little graphics we have now) of our making. It would not be too tough to impliment as we already have an option to select brand images which are hosted here on site and to link ranch directory images. In my experince very few people use the ranch directory image link option so perhaps we could even replace that with the option for sponsors to have custom brand images if storage space, etc., would be an issue. Though if we have a size limit pixel wise and file size wise(so no uncompressed animations that are huge file sizes for graphics like we have here on the message board because people don't optimize and slow down thread loading) it should be a pretty minimal amount of space to host and not really effect the dog view page load time. <br><br>So what do folks think. Post your comments here. :)


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