Serously.On chat I actually am one xD.I usaully end up tearing Tarny,Kimmy or Sandeh apart for no reason.Actually,Sandy pokes me,thats why I tear her apart xD<br>Posted back.*Snarls and starts to groom her tail*
I L;IKE GOATS<br><br>and i may get to look at some to buy this summer
<br>Really? When did l;ike become a word?<br>I'm feeling RUDE today, because it was so good, I need some bad in it =]<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">BTW</span> I'm just kidding Wheatykins<br>Goats are awesome. ZOMG Get a fainting one!!!
Fainting Goats use it as a defense mechanism, like an animal playing dead in the presence of a predator, or a lizard losing its tail for the same purpose. You scare them, they faint. Google it.
Cool!now I want one!<br>Leafles,im getting There are currently too many connections to this server. Please check back again in 30 seconds.<br>Im starting to hate your site*smacks*
As the photograph at the top of this page and the two immediately below demonstrate, sudden frights can cause the goats to "faint". More commonly, the goats merely stiffen in place for a moment, then resume whatever goatly activities they had been engaged in prior to being startled. The intensity of the "faint" varies with the intensity of the fright and the age of the animal.
That's ah, kind of creepy, but OK. <br><br>..I can just picture a goat playing dead! How did you find out about this? Did you just randomly look up 'Fainting Goats' on Google? XP