Sell a pup from this lovely greyhound, how much would you offer? her speed at birth is 131.2 (!) so her pups speed should be no lower than 125, and you may pick any stud that you choose. The pup will come intact, with No breeding rights (unless you message me!) And I will only sell to people I know, unless I've seen you around on the VP forums a lot and and I know that you are a responsible player.<br>This is a once in a life time chance, as many people know I rarely sell my racers, I'm very protective over them x3 But Jasper has gone broke D= And needs to upgrade her accounts really bad.<br><br>I know that many of you have PMed me on Little foot, but I said "no" so heres your chance to offer something x3<br><br>The lovely girl: <a href="" target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><br>and for the stud, you can pick any of mine or any that you know of.<br><br>How much do you think a pup from her would go for?<br>(if this is in the wrong section, well I didn't know where else to put it since Im still unsure

)<br><br>Ohh and one of her fastest speed times was 520 meter finishing time: 15.44 sec..<br><br>I have sold a pup before, with 119 speed for around 20mill, but this is way faster >.>

Willing to slave art for a sponcer upgrade.
Willing to slave art for a sponcer upgrade.
Willing to slave art for a sponcer upgrade.