Ok I tried to offer this on the bulletin board but I didn't get very good entries, so I thought that I would try here
.<br><br>I am looking for any guides or tutorials, here are the rules:<br><br>1. MUST be detailed, enough so that someone who had no clue what they were doing could follow it.<br><br>2. It can be for VP (i.e. breeding guide ect;), or it can be about HTML or CSS<br><br>3. Be sure its accurate, if it isn't then it won't be accepted. So please know what you are talking about.<br><br>4. You must include a copyright. Including your full player name, and a link to your kennel.<br><br>5. If you win then you will be selling us rights to post it on our VP help site (alternatereality.6te.net), and promising that you will post it no where else or sell it to anyone else.<br><br>We will choose a few winners, basically the best ones are garunteed to win. This is an effort to help AR grow and get some new help material. You copyright will be placed at the bottom along with a link to your kennel and your player name. <span style="color:red"> We will not accept rights for your tutorial/guide, but we do expect you not to post it else where
.</span><br><br>Some ideas for VP guides could be breeding, a list of commonly used words, explaining stats, explaining events (how to enter, what to enter, how to know if your dog will do well, and what you should train them in so they perform well in events) ect; <br><br><span style="color:red">We <span style="font-weight:bold">do not</span> need a training guide. We already have one, thanks!</span><br><br>Payment: All players whos guides/tutorials are accepted will recieve 500k in VPC. This will not be paid in VHRC or in imports, or in training.
VP Help site, graphics, layouts, and tutorials! check it out at alternatedesigns.net don't forget to leave us a message!