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Soccer.. Good..

We've done great! Won all our games(3-4 games..) and beat the team that our coaches said would be the only team to hold us up from 1st place, as the other team that would have, jointed with another team, and we beat them 12:3 xD and the team that would have held us up we beat 9:3 <br><br><br>So.. I'm happy. We're in first place(dur!) and have beaten all the other teams in the league(only 5 xP)..<br><br>AND our coach signed us up for two tournaments. One is a 40-60 minute drive. And the other, the one I'm REAL excited about is a 3 hour+ drive away. It's played ON THE BEACH no shoes/shinguards allowed. You have to wear sandsocks. It's a one day tournament in June, but we'll probably end up taking Bella and staying over two nights. The night before, and the night of. So.. I'm proud and happy, and decided to share.<br><br>Our team's come a long way.


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