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So How'd Your Pet Get Its Name

edited March 2008 in General Discussion
ill just be posting the dogs xD<br>Meg-Megara from hercules<br>Karma- Movie Just My Luck<br>Fiath-Singer Faith Hill<br>Anne-Real name is Einne but i couldnt say it so we changed it<br>Shane-No Clue <.< Aunt named him<br>Butter- Two girls in the litter she was in Peanut (Later Martina) and Butter<br>Keegen- No Clue<br>Briteny-Spears before she went crazy (think first album)<br>Grant- Kid and School Friends sisters ex bf (wow)<br>Kyle- Kid at school (the only freshman i havent said more then a sentence too o.O)<br>Erin- Bestie friend


  • So are we doing just dogs?<br><br>Pocco - Thought it up off the top of my head. Most people pronounce it wrong. Its pronounced Paw-ko. Not Poke-o. <br><br>Sysco - Mom named him after a food company. (Ironic, since he ended up becoming overweight) She wanted to use the name for a cockatoo, but decided we aren't allowed to get any birds other than chickens, so she used the name for him instead.
  • So are we doing just dogs?<br><br>
    no i just didnt feel like thinking about my other pets right now xD
  • Ok, this may take a while :lol: <br><br>Abby: I don't remember, I was only 4<br>Lily: When she was young, she had shockingly green eyes, which made me think of Harry Potter, and then his mom :? <br>Oscar: Needed to start with O, and it's my best friends grandmom's dog's name<br>Oliver: Needed to start with an O, and it's my best friends cats name, they look exactly alike, and they act the same<br>Husk: I was young, and when I thought of a corn snake, I think of corn, and they're husk's (I don't know, I was 7)<br>Zebu: Means 'Of bright white and silky black', he's a panda bear hamster<br>Zazu: Sounded cool<br>Ziggy: Wanted one generic name for my leopard geckos<br>Rover: Wanted something weird, and dog-like<br>Peachy: He is pink, small and weak, and he just kinda had a peach shaped head<br>Ryder: Has a sadle back pattern, and I was reading the Alex Ryder series<br>Squall: He has a very unique, rain like pattern, and I love the name<br>Geeky: He would hiss at me whenever I tried to hold him,a nd he would bite, and act furousious (little leo we're talking about here) and he looked like a nerd while doing so<br>Spitz: He was very hyper, and has a curly tail<br>Magnum (maggy): He has beautiful eyes, which reminded me of the movie Zoolander for some reason, and I named him after his 'look'<br><br><br>That's it, I have a fish, but it has no name<br><br>Not very origanal, I know
  • Tiffany, because it rhymed with brittany XD<br>Shelby/Abby...I have no idea o.o I was like...young XD<br><br>Emma...just got hers because...I dont know, lol. I suggested Emma or Nikki, and my mom liked Emma.<br><br>Tucker, was almost going to be named Chase...but everyone told me they liked Tucker more, so, thats how that happened.<br><br>Clover got her name...probably because it's a popular rabbit name XD<br><br>Gizmo got his from Gremlins :) <br><br>Sky(rat) got hers to match her sister, Storm.<br><br>Cosmo/Wanda(old fish) got their names from Fairly Odd Parents XD
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • Okay, I'll do everyone else then XD<br><br>Chickens:<br><br>Steve - he's big, fat, and mean, like my dad (who's name is Steve)<br><br>Ping - I don't know.<br><br>Pong - I don't know.<br><br>October - After my favorite character on Stay Alive.<br><br>Phineus "Phin" - After October's brother on Stay Alive.<br><br>Loomis - Character on Stay Alive.<br><br>Swink - Character on Stay Alive.<br><br>Hutch - Character on Stay Alive.<br><br>I forgot the other 4 hens' names. I feel bad :oops:<br><br>Goats:<br><br>Pikachu- Mom loved the name.<br><br>Togepi- Mom loved the name.<br><br>Toshio - Mom came up with it.<br><br>Toby - Mom.<br><br>Twyla - Mom.<br><br>Kizzy - Mom.<br><br>Falene - She looks like a white deer doe because she's disbudded, and cause of her ears. So I named her atfer Bambi's girlfriend XP<br><br>Tilly - The name just seemed to fit.<br><br>Cats:<br><br>Smoke - Puffy and gray. Like smoke XD<br><br>Chip - Mom named him after a cat she used to have.<br><br>Tiger - He looks like a tiger.<br><br>Mischief - I trust you need no explaination? XD<br><br>Chloe - Mom named her, don't ask me.<br><br>Popcorn - Mom asked what I wanted to name her, and I was eating popcorn at the time. XD<br><br>Weeshnaw - My brother named him..because that's the sound a donkey makes...?<br><br>Mamacat - We never knew her name (owner abandoned her and later went to jail for beating his dog horribly, and driving drunk) and she was pregnant when we found her. We called her Mamacat until we could think of a name, but she learned it and won't respond to anything else.<br><br>Horses:<br><br>Skipper - he came with the name.<br><br>Dante - I named him after a toy horse I have that looks just like him.<br><br>Halfbreed - He's half Quarter Horse, half Mustang.<br><br>Mikah - Sister named her, I don't know.<br><br>Bettas:<br><br>Sea - he lives in the water. And he's blueish greenish. XP<br><br>Flare - he's red and he flares constantly.<br><br>Espeon - I, at one point, had bettas that were the same colors as all of the Pokemon Eevee evolutions excepy Umbreon, and they were all named accordingly. <br><br>Beardies:<br><br>Spike - he's spikey. XD<br><br>Draco - Dragon in Spanish or something.<br><br>Guinea Pigs:<br><br>Shippou - Stole the name from InuYasha. <br><br>Mohawk - He has a mohawk on his butt. XP<br><br>Turtles:<br><br>Crusty - Named after a turtle my cousin had.<br><br>Speedy - Cruel joke.<br><br>Ferrets:<br><br>Mink - he reminded me of a mink.<br><br>Star - My brother named her after a Yu-Gi-Oh! card, "Star Boy"<br><br>Amieva:<br><br>Neptune - He has teal spots on his black belly.<br><br>Corn Snake:<br><br>Moeru aka no Taiyou no Raji "Moeru" - Fire of The Burning Red Sun in Japanese. He's the color of fire (red, orange, yellow, and white). <br><br>Llama:<br><br>Hummer - He hums.<br><br>Gecko:<br><br>Godzilla - Hehehehehe XD<br><br>Catfish:<br><br>Kitty - I ran out of names. XD<br><br>Kuhli Loach:<br><br>Squirmie - I used to think they were called squirmies.
  • <span style="font-weight:bold">Dogs</span><br>Auzzy: His name already was Auzzy. XD<br><br>Bella: My mom said her favorite name was Bellamy. And I thought it fit. But I was to lazy to say Bellamy, so I just say Bella or Bell<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Cats</span><br>Madeline: Like that show with the little orphan french girl. xD<br><br>Lily: We were going to name her Matilda after my favorite movie, but we met a baby named Lily so.. we named her Lily<br><br>Charlie: His name already was Charlie.. xD<br><br>Woody: 'Cause of all his tabby markings on his back. It's like wood patterns.. apparently.. xP<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Birds</span><br><br>Tia: I wanted foreign name for my birds. And I liked Tia.. Tia Damitra is her full name.. I don't really remember but I think Tia was something like Princess in greek or something 0.o So it was Princess Little Princess or something.<br><br>Ray: When Yoshi died(my other keet), I got Ray, and first I named him Hoshi which was japanese. But it never really clicked, so I renamed him Ray cause of the TV show Sister Sister.. xD<br><br>Mare: Mare(Melanie) suggested it..<br><br>Aussie: I had a contest and someone suggested it..<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Guinea Pigs</span><br>Reecey: Cause her coat is like reeces peanut but cups apparently. 0.o<br><br>Roxy: She was named that when we got her.<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Rabbit</span><br>Andi: Short for androgynou.s cause when we got him, we didn't know if he was boy or girl xP<br><br><br><br>And fish.. Which are Bob1 Jessica2<br><br>And stuff. But all are either Bob or Jessica. :)
  • Buck-i was 2 years old...i loved hunting so i named my male german shepherd buck after a male deer<br><br>Sheba- named after the old sheba that was killed<br><br>SHEBA"S PUPPIES...<br><br>the one that we are keeping...<br>Kaiser(k-eye-zer....kizer)- Kaiser means german king. i gave him that name because is a king german shepherd...that is his breed<br><br>and the rest of the puppes...not their official names...just nicknames until we sell them...<br><br>black face- we have an all black king german shepherd<br>little paw- has a little bit of white on one paw<br>white paw- one of her paws are all white<br>girlie- spunky burly little girl<br>max- matches his personality<br>diesel- the people that chose him work with cars
  • <span style="font-weight:bold">Dogs</span><br><br>DJ - Dutchess Junior. Yes, it's a girls' name, but heck, I was eight when I named him. My previous dog was Dutchess and she "disappeared." Later to be found out that she was shot by the neighbor.<br><br>Emily Rose - Emily from an ep. of the Dog Whisperer. There was a troubled, very over-weight pit bull/staffy named Emily. Rose came from her rose-colored nose and her rose ears.<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Cats</span><br><br>Destiny May - I named her after a boy I liked at school named Destin. Goodness!!! I was in 3rd grade at the time. I'm not sure where May came from.<br><br>Angel Marie - It was about two weeks before Christmas and I had narrowed it down to Angel or Holly. I liked Angel better, so that's what I named her. Marie after my best friend at the time.
  • Hmm...<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Cat</span><br>Rosie (Rose) - Lead in <span style="font-style:italic">Titanic</span>, my all time favorite movie :P<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Dogs</span><br>Boozer - We flipped through a phonebook and pointed to a name and that was it XD<br>Isabelle (Belle) - My great grandmother's name XD<br>Murphy - Dale Murphy, former Atlanta Braves pitcher<br>Jasmine - Rescued, already named XP
    <span style="font-size: 10pt;">rLHC1jx.gif </span><div><span style="font-size: 10pt;">sophierue.png</span><span style="font-size: small;"> </span></div><div><span style="font-size: small;">oh I swear to ya, I'll be there for ya.
    10.31.10 ❤
  • Dixie- I'm from the south and for a Golden retriever it just seemed to fit.<br>Sunny- After Dixie died my grandfather got her and after we had picked her up and we were driving home we were thinking about what to name her and I saw a Sunbelt (I think that's what it was called... Sun something) store. And I thought she looked like a Sunny. Plus she was the sunshine that pulled me from a darkness.<br>Sally- ...I think my mom chose this because it goes well with Sunny since they're inseperable now...<br>Fizz- he was a kitten that my sister had found. He was the color of Coke fizz. We didn't get to keep him very long though.
  • Jasper- My uncle went there and came back with a hat and we all voted on Jasper x3<br><br>Cody: It suted him very well. for some reason.<br><br>Zack: From cody, ya know Zack and Cody the show? xDDD<br><br>Crumbles: she likes to eat crumbs and her markings kinda looked like crumbs.<br><br>Raven: Shes black and is a chicken and sorta looks like a raven.<br><br>Tea Biscuit: From the race horse Sea Biscuit, but we changed the Sea to Tea xD<br><br>these are only a handfull of my pets, I don't want to make a huge post on all of my pets names x.X
    Willing to slave art for a sponcer upgrade.
  • <span style="font-weight:bold">Dogs:</span><br><br>Pepsi - When he was puppy my mom was trying to think of a name and he suddenly jumped on her and knocked over the can of pepsi she was drinking, then he jumped down and drank all the pepsi that spilled out. I was only 18 months old so it was her idea.<br><br>Tipper - Because of the white tip on her tail.<br><br>Samantha - Oh god, I remember I wanted to name her Bananas or Creampuff originally(I was 7!) O.o Thankfully my mom talked me out of it, so I sat down, stared at her, and decided she looked like a Samantha.<br><span style="font-weight:bold"><br>Cat:</span><br><br>Christaphor/Christy - Well, when you're 5 you don't really know how to tell a male kitten from a female kitten so "she" turned out to be a he, thus a name change.<br><span style="font-weight:bold"><br>Parakeets:</span><br><br>Chris - Um, not real sure :P <br><br>Rose - Not sure either, maybe because Rose is one of my middle names?<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Fish:</span><br><br>Obviously, I can't remember what I named all the fish I've had since I was 3, so I'll jut go with the last 3 I remember. :P <br><br>Splasher - He splashed me when the Petco person put him in the bag -_-<br><br>Goldilocks - Goldfish, goldilocks...real oringinal XD, I was compleatly guessing the fish was a girl, I really have no clue how to tell goldfish genders apart. O.o<br><br>Buddy - My beta, boring name for a boring fish. My mom eventually gave him away as a Valentines present to her secert pal at work. :lol:
  • xD I only have dogs<br><br>Zeus - hercules :P<br>Dakota - bought her from a breeder in south dakota<br>Echo - when she was a puppy her bark was so loud it would echo like...<br>everywhere xD<br>Razzle - he's crazy xD<br>Dazzle - she shows off (:<br>Duke - he's our biggest berner and we were going to name him king, but<br>he's an english import so my mom decided on duke<br>Ryleigh (ry-lee) - dunno xD just named her<br>Rooney - one of my favorite bands<br>Rain - im pretty sure when her litter was born it was raining<br>Denali - idk xD pretty name though yes?<br>Kea - this one i don't know about either.<br>Baloo - the jungle book obviously :P<br>Journey - dunno either. just came up with it on VP chat xD<br>Titan - he's huge? lmao
  • Ike - It was my dads bosses name at the time and he said it would be good so if he had a bad day at work he could kick the dog, so it would be like kicking his boss. Also we all through it fitted him.<br>**(my dad has never kicked re dog please note, he was only mucking around when saying it)**
  • <span style="color:blue">Mine will be the most unoriginal ever.<br><br>Bird - because he's a bird and I never could decide what to call him so it stuck.<br><br>Kitty - because when they were kittens I didn't know if they were boys or girls and kitty was pretty generic.<br>Baby cat - again because I didn't know her gender and by the time I'd figured it out it had stuck.</span>
    I'm not on much anymore, If I win anything PM me.... Thanks
  • Ah, here<br><br><br><br>Roxanne [Roxy] (dog)-We were driving home with her, and I just thought she looked like a Roxy.
  • Onyx - Well... he's an all black GSD. His coat was shiny, even after nearly a week at the shelter, so he looked kinda like the Onyx stone. Not the pokemon. <br><br>Ace - A tattoo dude, actually, kinda sparked this for me. I was up near Canada, to adopt him, and the tattoo dude had this really nice picture of a malicious wolf on the ace of spades card. <br><br>Kona - Ever heard of Kona coffee? I dunno, I love it and my brother always brews it for me. She's a choc lab, so it fits.<br><br>^.^
  • Roland got his name from this poem <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><br>All the others were either already named when we got them, or their names are just sort of random words that stuck. XD
  • Moonlight wrote:
    <br><br>Zeus - hercules :P<br>
    Wheaton wrote:
    <br>Meg-Megara from hercules
    <br><br>i shall name one of the new puppers hercules xD
  • Dog:<br>Phoebe: Mom<br> <br>Birds:<br> Olive: He is olive in colouring, and we didn't know he was male until after like 5 months, so then I kind of changed it to Oliver :D<br><br>Storm: Her real name is Spring Storm, cause it was a spring storm the night I got her.<br><br>Willow: I liked the name, cause her softness reminds me of the calming effects of willow trees (Don't ask) And my mom said Willow trees were yellow, which makes me smile inside XD<br><br>Bettas:<br>Zara: A princess was named that :D<br>Rain: She is the colour blue, and reminds me of rain. <br>Whisper: Kind of came to mind.<br>Ice: He is the colour of ice. <br>Aro: Inspired by the Twilight Series.<br><br>I won't go into my guppies lol. You don't want to know how I invented names for 30 of them and remembered D:<br>Oh, and my Platy is named Akari Which means brightness, and she is like bright orange and red. <br>And my three White Clouds are named Tic, Tac, and Toe :D
    topleaf-1.pngleafyegg.gif<-Lenny *hugs lolo*
  • My golden retriever has this colour, like no other golden. It is almost pure red with a hint of orangy yellow. So we named he Rosie, as in she looks like the color of a rose. And for my guniea pig, lol, well when we got him he jumped alot so we named him Mr. Wiggles. xD
    Please PM if I win anything.
  • <span style="font-weight:bold">Dogs:</span><br>Gatsby - After <span style="font-style:italic">The Great Gatsby</span>, parents named him 'cause I came later and while they like the book, I hate it.<br>Ambri - Alteration of "amber" since she was buff colored.<br>Savvy - My doing; we got him shortly after my obsession with Pirates of the Caribbean took hold, so he got named after Jack's catchphrase. :P (Mom wanted "Mocha" and dad wanted "Hunter" so those got tacked on loosely.)<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Horse:</span><br>Scout - Absolutely no clue. That was his call name when we bought him, and it has absolutely nothing to do with his registered name, so I just
  • <span style="font-weight:bold">Birds:</span><br><span style="text-decoration:underline">Kissy:</span> ...Let my step-dad name him... I really don't know what he was thinking. ;P<br><span style="text-decoration:underline">Pinkey:</span> Her feet were so Pink when I got her and she just <span style="font-style:italic">seemed</span> like a Pinkey. ^^ <span style="font-size:75">(<span style="font-style:italic">Her feet's grey'er now</span>)</span> <br><span style="font-weight:bold">Fish:</span><br><span style="text-decoration:underline">R.B.</span> Sister came up with the name off the top of her head for her fish...<br><span style="font-size:75"><br><span style="font-style:italic">Those are the only three pets we've named in or house hold, the R.B.'s the only fish with a name. XD</span></span>
  • Oliver - From the Movie Oliver Twist
    Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
  • my rabbit<br><br>Thumper - he picked it out of slips of paper with names i really am being serious we couldnt decide so we wrote down some and cut them up and stuck them through the hutch and he got the one he pulled out....before he ate the paper that is...<br><br><br><br><br>mad! but no joke!<br><br>xxx
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