Ghosts. Are. Awesome. <br><br>My own family doesnt seem to really believe in them, except for my dad. but then again he's living in Europe and there's tons of stuff there to creep him out . Anyways. My best friend's family immigrated from Indonesia in like... the 1940s. Before they moved they owned this really big 'cookie' factory. <br><br>You cant believe what kind of gruesome stories they can tell you about that place. Indonesia is pretty much a 3rd world country, and still is. Some ppl live in villages, dont have running water, etc. So, the people who do menial labor, such as the ppl who worked in the factory, didnt have life insurance or anything else of that nature. Nor was there a decent hospital anywhere nearby, they'd have to drive out pretty far for one. At least an hr.<br><br>One of the stories was pretty gross, even if it didnt have any ghosts. I suppose you've all heard of The Boy Who Called Wolf, right? Well there was this one man who worked this 'grinding' machine. He would always joke around and scream, "Ah! It's got me! It's got me!" Even though it didnt. So after awhile, ppl just laughed at him and continued working. One day, it did happen. He was screaming, and everyone just thought that he was playing around. <br><br>The machine ate up his arm to the middle of his forearm. They later just cut off the rest of the forearm and now he has an elbow joint but nothing to move. Pretty grisly.<br><br>I travelled with them this year to Indo, and was pretty surprised to see what I... saw. My friends aunt, we'll call her Mrs. Doe, was sleeping in one of the rooms when she woke up screaming. We all jumped up to find out what's happening and she claimed her grandmother visited her and asked Mrs. Doe is she wanted to come with. Of course she said no. Anyways, at the end of the week we went out to visit the grandmother's grave. When we got there, the wind was up really really strong. However, near the end of the visit we noticed that the surrounding foliage wasnt moving. Just us and our stuff. <br><br>To add on top of this, the house we lived in had a very friendly ghost. The family that we were staying with didnt have any running water for showering/bathing, so we had to use a little room and buckets of warm water. <br><br>My encounter with this friendly ghost, was faintly disturbing. They say you can see more ghosts in mirrors because they dont know you're watching them. Well, clad in only a towel, I was graced with the presence of Mr. Ghosty. >.> Screaming s not really my sport, but I definitely exercised my vocals. <br><br>But, apart from that and a few doors closing & a some falling stuff, the ghost was pretty quite. That was my only 'ghostly' experience I've experienced so far.
Here is my belief--No offense to anyone--But i do think there are ghosts, but not just ghosts. I believe they are demons and the way to stop them is to call out to Jesus because demons and Jesus can not dwell in the same place.
I believe in Ghosts, I love good ghost stories. However I can't stand horror movies, I have to have a friend or my parents or SOMEONE in the room with me to scream with/at and hide behind them. xD<br>And whenever I think of ghosts I think of The Messenger for some odd reason. heh xD<br><br>anyways, my mom was talking to her friend about ghosts. My moms friend (lets just call her hmmm... Deb) anyways, Deb was talking about her old house she used to live in, (when she was a child) and that there was a ghost in that house. Well, she said whenever someone comes over there (friend, or a relative) the ghost would come into the room that they were in (at night), they are somewhat curious about newcomers.<br>It was a friendly ghost.<br><br>It seems like I see something out of the corner of my eye, but heh. Someone used to live in this house (and we knew them well, too) and the husband/dad of the family died right before they sold it to us, he was very friendly too. Anyways, the bedroom/bathroom doors have opened by themselves.<br>But, its nothing extreme, probably nothing, or it might be the ghost of the dead husband.
I believe in ghosts. A house my cousins lived in when we were little is the perfect example, and if you don't believe after this're crazy o.O<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">House Description</span><br>My cousins moved into an old house built somewhere around the 1860s. It was a beautiful white house on tons of land and set far back off of the road behind trees. There were two huge willow trees out front on either side of the LONG dirt driveway. The house had a closed porch out back with windows for walls. One room upstairs had three walls covered in windows. (This house kind of reminds me of the Amityville house.) Out back was an old broken down car and a well. An empty well...<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Events</span><br>1. My oldest cousin had the room with the many windows. A week after they moved in the house, he began to have nightmares that would wake him up. When ho woke up, there would be a woman at the end of his bed calling his name. He finally told my uncle and we all thought he was on *edited* or was mentally ill. So my uncle slept in his room one night, the same thing happened to him.<br>2. My youngest cousin was upstairs taking a nap in his playpen. It was one of the old ones with the wooden bars that were spaced out. It was sitting in the middle of the hallway upstairs and he was all alone up there, everyone else was downstairs or outside. Everyone began to hear noises that sound like a cat in pain. My two year old cousin was out of the play pen and had his head lodged between the rails in the banister of the stairs. The rails of the play pen were up and latched, there was no way he could have gotten out.<br>3. Certain parts of the house were warm. The right half, like the dining room and the cousin my age's bed room and the kitchen were always warm and had a certain happy feel to it. The left half, the cellar, hall bathroom, attic, living room and porch were cold and just seemed menacing. <br>4. In the living room, there was a rug, and underneath there was an oily stain, like someone had thrown a vat of french fries on the floor.<br>5. Anytime we tried to get near the well out back, it just seemed like we couldnt get close. Something was stopping us, as rediculous as it sounds.<br>6. We always played in the old car out back. One day we were in it, and my youngest cousin was sitting in the drivers seat. The car started making noises and eventually revved up like it was going to accelerate. We tried frantically to get out of the car, but the doors were locked. My uncle had to bust the windows to get us out.<br>7. This was the last straw. By far the weirdest thing that happened. We were all outside playing on a summer day. We heard a hgh pitched squealing noise, almost so high it hurt your ears. My uncles car was sitting between the two willows and he was in it looking for something. My aunt came out and told him to move the car around back. He did, and not three minutes later, both of the willow trees were uprooted and fallen right where his truck had been sitting.<br>8. We were in the room with all of the windows before there was any furniture in the house. And all of the windows were open. Every single one shut in a chain reaction. No wind. <br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">After The Move</span><br>A rug was taken with them from the house and placed in my oldest cousins room. The nightmares continued and the lady still there. My aunt and uncle called a psychic in. This is what she told them:<br><span style="font-style:italic">The house was owned by a rich man whose father and daughter lived with him. The father and the man were hiding the money in the well, which is why you couldn't get to it, she is protecting it. The daughter found out about the money and the man stabbed her in the cellar in an attempt to kill her. She dragged herself up the stairs and into the living room, where she died (the oily spot on the floor). The rug in your oldest sons room must be removed immediately. It is a part of the house and will only bring bad things. </span><br>There was more than that, but I can't really remember all of it.<br><br>The psychic left the house and went home. While she was away, she had her floors replaced with hard woods. She walked in, slipped, hit her head and died instantly.<br><br>The house was torn down a few years ago. They couldnt get close enough to the well to fill it in.
<br><br>this is one of the posts that reminded me of the movie, "The Messenger", for some reason x_x
I guess I believe in a spirit type thing, Like, they're there to help you.. And other times they're not<br><br>My 'encounter' was scary for me at the time. I was about 5 years old? <br> My family had this weather thing in our kitchen and if you pushed it, a lady voice would tell you the humidity, tempurature etc. Somehow, it broke and my dad fixed it earlier that day with new batteries. <br> That night, as I fell asleep, I woke up and instead of a lady voice, it was a mans. I personally think it was a scary demon thing, but I was only seven at the time and it don't know to this day if it was my seven-year-old brain telling me things. But I thought that it was like, muttering to its'elf about nothing.. <br> But, by then, I was totally freaked out and so I made a MAD dash to my parents room and then somehow, it called out "Hey, you kid!" My mom really wanted me to get off her leg at that time, but I wouldn't budge and stayed there the reast of the night. I was very scared<br><br>but, like I said before, I don't know if it's my mind or not. Remember, I was only seven
Ah.. All I know is this house is anywhere from 70-100 years old. Give or take.<br><br>My friend's house used to be a farm house, back when everyone had lotsa land. And I can't quite remember her "tale" but I remember once her brother was sleeping and woke up and saw a green like transparent figure that resembled her(my friend, we'll call her Dodo xD). So.. he was like "Dodo?" and she nodded and faded away. :?
YIKES! I think our house has something in it. You'll probably think that I'm crazy but almost all of my family has some sort of "psychic" ability. My mom sometimes dreams about airplane crashes. They happen the next day almost exactly like the dream. My Grandma's can see ghosts or spirits, or at least sense them. As for me...I see them (i dont really like it, it's creepy) and i sometimes have the dreams like my mom. Anywho, when I was bringing my cat downstairs this summer at the bottom of the stairs I saw a woman just staring at me. Needless to say I ran screaming up to my room and locked myself in. (Like that would help). And at the my old house a figure walked across my doorway and into my moms room. The next night my mom saw the same thing in her coset for about 30 minuets.
Just a little reminder - religion needs to stay off the forums.<br><br>That said, I think ghosts are an interesting concept. I've not had any distinguishing experiences that would convince me they do exist, but I hope they do, because they're spiffy. ^^ It's rumored that the college I was lately attending was haunted and even though I went on some "hunts" the only thing I came close to "experiencing" was a photo of a "orb" taken in the theater (unfortunately I've lost the photo.)<br><br>For the sake of some good stories, here are the tales - they are almost conspiracy-theory in nature so they're probably no more than rumors, but still fun to read. ^^<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">H. Hall</span><br><span style="text-decoration:underline">The Little Girl</span><br>A student was managing H.-K. for the summer and while conferences were out of session, she was living in H.-K. by herself. In the downtime, repairs and general maintenance were being made to the hall. One morning, the Dean of Students received an email from this girl, telling of a strange encounter she had had the previous day. According to the email, the student had been lying in her room, trying to stay cool when she heard the piano in the lounge being played erratically, accompanied by the voice of a young girl. Confused, the student grabbed her robe but before she put it on she heard the light patter of a child’s footsteps skipping past her door and the girl’s voice again. The student donned her robe and went to her room door, but when she looked down the hall there was no one there. She went to the front doors of the hall and checked – sure enough, they were locked. She went down the hall and realized that five faucets (in separate rooms) were on and these had all been turned on in a matter of seconds. Frightened, the student turned the faucets off and spent the rest of the conference downtime living in another dorm.<br><br><span style="text-decoration:underline">The Handprints</span><br>One cold January evening, two boys living on the third floor of H. in a west-facing room (where the wind constantly pounds on the windows) heard a tapping at the window. One asked the other what it was and was answered “It’s just the wind.â€
I believe in ghosts because whenever my dad goes out it gets really cold and if i walk into my quiet room i see this figure...not a real a misty figure and it has glasses and wears a checkered shirt, ive seen it more than once but always in that room. But it gets really cold when my dad isnt around and when my dads in the figure doesnt come out. Its kinda scary but i know im not seeing things because i see it quite often...escpecially when i was younger because i would think my dad was hiding in the quiet room. SO id look in there and find the figure. Its kind of creepy but im getting used to it now
Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel
I had my first Grapple! 1/2/09
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