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Banner Warning!

Banners are starting to get excessive again. It would be a very good idea for everyone to trim their banner sizes and how many are in your siggy's, before we have to set stricter limits on them or remove the ability entirely.<br><br>Keep it reasonable yourselves, or those in charge will be forced to set limits you may not like.
Boz and Ana Luffs Ru! ( we own her you see! :P ) NUU Ori owns Ru!! YAARRR!!!


  • Buffy's=Excessive :?:
  • A bit yes. Any 2 of those would be fine, but 3 is getting a bit much.
    Boz and Ana Luffs Ru! ( we own her you see! :P ) NUU Ori owns Ru!! YAARRR!!!
  • wheaty?<br><br>i may have only one banner once crazy gets to the free ones <.<
  • buffy=fixed the problem :lol:
  • Wheaty is fine, and much better Buffy.
    Boz and Ana Luffs Ru! ( we own her you see! :P ) NUU Ori owns Ru!! YAARRR!!!
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:green"><span style="font-weight:bold">how about hobbles?</span></span></span>
    Training Alexandreian Island Wolve's: 10x4's Caucasian Shepherd Dog's: Importing Stage. Bohemian Shepherds: Importing.
  • Hobbs is just fine.
    Boz and Ana Luffs Ru! ( we own her you see! :P ) NUU Ori owns Ru!! YAARRR!!!
  • I have to do this to see how many banners I've got... Too lazy to go edit my profile and count. I might just have one... Not sure.<br><br>*edit*<br>Yep, there's just one :lol:
    If you've ordered anything, please be patient with me. Having volcano/ash troubles. Msg me for more info, and I'll get back to you asap!! Thankies!!
  • Is this one ok? It is kinda long?
    This is TikiGirl8594 :P
  • So could we get a pixel idea of how big? This isn't very specific.
  • Is it okay to have two banners, plus a dragon in your siggy?
  • i probably have to much don't i??
  • So far everyone down to AnimalLover had reasonable siggys. The last 3 are rather much.<br><br>I am not giving size limits yet. I am simply giving everyone a heads up that if you don't tone it down yourselves, it will be done for you. And it may be done in a way you won't like, such as loss of siggy's entirely. <br><br>So this is your chance to fix it yourselves, before those in charge step in to control it however they decide, and whether you want it that way or not.<br><br>I and not going to sit here and tell everyone individually if their banners are reasonable or not. Use your best judgement. <br><br>And remember, you may love your banners, but everyone loves theirs too, and the graphics are creating an overload with each persons combined with everyone else's.<br><br>Keep them reasonable, use good judgment, or face the consequences.
    Boz and Ana Luffs Ru! ( we own her you see! :P ) NUU Ori owns Ru!! YAARRR!!!
  • I thought there was already a size limit on banners...? Isn't it 500x200?
  • I'll just remove mine completely. I don't quite understand the standard for best judgement. That doesn't help me.<br><br>
    I am not giving size limits yet. I am simply giving everyone a heads up that if you don't tone it down yourselves,
    <br><br>What does that mean? I need specifics so that I don't lose the ability. Then when I end up losing it I'll ask:<br>"Well I thought this was best judgement."<br><br>No, it wasn't.<br><br>Well crap...
  • What I go by is the banner you see when you first log into VP.<br><br>The one with the Blue Dog pointing to "Virtual Pups"<br><br>Use that section to see if it's too big. That's my judgment of my own siggy.
    kimyo.jpeg 31275.png
  • Well, you can't say that because we were not given a guideline.
  • Well, you can't say that because we were not given a guideline.
    <br><br>I said it was my judgment, not what everyone should do. Just a suggestion, not a guideline.
    kimyo.jpeg 31275.png
  • No no no..I was implying that we were not given one from the get go.<br>You wouldn't be the one giving us that guidline and I already knew that.<br><br>I'm pretty much done with this post anyway. A small piece inside of me died.
  • I'll just remove mine completely. I don't quite understand the standard for best judgement. That doesn't help me.<br><br>
    I am not giving size limits yet. I am simply giving everyone a heads up that if you don't tone it down yourselves,
    <br><br>What does that mean? I need specifics so that I don't lose the ability. Then when I end up losing it I'll ask:<br>"Well I thought this was best judgement."<br><br>No, it wasn't.<br><br>Well crap...
    <br><br>Hmm...yes I agree. I though forum banners were 400x150? I see nothing wrong with my siggy...we need a set size, because people have different judgements and opinions you know...
    <span style="font-size: 10pt;">rLHC1jx.gif </span><div><span style="font-size: 10pt;">sophierue.png</span><span style="font-size: small;"> </span></div><div><span style="font-size: small;">oh I swear to ya, I'll be there for ya.
    10.31.10 ❤
  • I thought there was already a size limit on banners...? Isn't it 500x200?
    <br><br>That's for ONE banner :P
    Please PM if I win.
    Boz's Art Dump
  • Are mine ok?
    Please PM if I win anything.
  • PishPosh wrote:
    Are mine ok?
    <br>I'm pretty sure your's are :3
    Please PM if I win.
    Boz's Art Dump
  • Hm.. anyone thing mine's a bit too big?
    Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel :)
  • I don't know, she said a max of 2 banners I think, but then said mine isn't okay. I don't know what's going on...I don't see anything wrong with mine, especially since we have a character limit on siggies anyway.
  • I don't know, she said a max of 2 banners I think, but then said mine isn't okay. I don't know what's going on...I don't see anything wrong with mine, especially since we have a character limit on siggies anyway.
    <br><br>That's what I always based my usage off of was the character limit... I've had 3 banners in mine for over a year, never knew a thing about this o.o Aside from if you had like 10 banners in there somehow or something,'re getting carried away XD I never thought 4 of them looked right anyway. Seemed like too much at that point.<br>Not only a max of two banners, but I believe the size of the banners is also an issue. :wink:
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • Mine are both under 500x200 (which, I've been told ever since I joined here, is the size limit) and my best judgement says they're okay *proud* lmao<br><br>I have seen some people with HUGE banners though 0o;; they stretch the page by like..a mile 0o;
  • Ok, I was trying to just give you all a chance to know that banners and siggy's were getting out of hand. I figured I would let you know it was getting to be a problem BEFORE the Ops got together and set limits. <br><br>Once rules are set, there will be punishment for violations. I thought you all would rather have the chance to get things under control yourselves, rather than to be treated as children with Ops having to come in and start punishing.<br><br>For some strange reason, I thought you all would prefer a voluntary cooperation rather than having Ops swoop down in forums erasing sigs, deleting posts, and forum bans for rule breakers or what ever other punishments may be decided on.<br><br>But you all seem to prefer the latter. So that is your choice. The Ops will get together. We will set limits for you, since you don't wish to limit yourselves. Then we will just TELL you what to do, and you will obey or be punished. <br><br>And next time there is a concern, I will remember, you wish to be TOLD, not asked on how to fix it.
    Boz and Ana Luffs Ru! ( we own her you see! :P ) NUU Ori owns Ru!! YAARRR!!!
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