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Romeo & Juliet Dx

edited February 2008 in General Discussion
So were reading the play in class >_> and guess what? I don't even know what I read! XD I can't understand a word of it and can barely read it. I hope we don't ever read outloud Dx we did groups and we didn't even read outloud xD I read to myself... but I still don't understand it Dx<br><br>I honestly have never seen a play/movie about it... I really don't even know the whole story of Romeo and Juliet >_> <br><br>I need to find like a better version I can understand XD
Please PM if I win.
Boz's Art Dump


  • i am good at translating it to modern so anything you really get stuck on pm me
  • Oh, I know your pain! <br><br>If you read the translated version, there's a lot of dirty humor in it, especially the first act. <br><br>Good luck! <br><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>;
  • We are reading it now too. and i just have to say that i absolutely LOVE Shakespeare. i think he is amazing. We are reading the Acts. and then watching the movie up to that part in the act. i think it is a wonderful play, but i think hamlet is better lol. Macbeth is also a good one
  • I've never been a huge fan of <span style="font-style:italic">Romeo and Juliet</span>, despite my love for Shakespeare. I just think it's been too overdone and is given too much romantic credit. However, I braved going to a production at a local theater company a few years ago and I must say I appreciated the play much more after that (nevermind that one of my favorite actors was playing Romeo. :P)<br><br>Of course, Shakespeare's not for everyone, but if you get a chance to go to -any- Shakespearean play, take it. Reading and watching are two VERY different things and if the company you go to see is worth their salt, you will get a lot more of what's going on than from just reading.<br><br>Just my two cents. ^^
  • I agree with Aziu. I hate reading his plays, but I love watching them.
  • omg I wrote tons of essays on this for gcse! I'll totally catch you in chat-i actually know about this xD
  • Thanks everyone xD<br>I know what you mean by watching is better then reading XD<br><br>
    Oh, I know your pain! <br><br>If you read the translated version, there's a lot of dirty humor in it, especially the first act. <br><br>Good luck! <br><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>;
    <br><br>OMG thank you xD I know what I read now! Woot!
    Please PM if I win.
    Boz's Art Dump
  • we're still doing poetry in my English/Lit class :P but I have a feeling we'll eventually have to read it as well :/ And I'm <span style="font-style:italic">really</span> looking forawd to reading a story where every other word ends in -ith :P But it's better then the other English classes, they have to read to kill a mockingbird :twisted: <br><br>if you want to try reading a hard play/story try Cerino de Bergenack, I had to read that last year in middle school for Lit III, not fun. :/ Jist of it: *Written in play format in a book *Super tiny print *Half of it's in French >.<
  • that sucks. we're reading the twelf night or what you will. and I took the part of toby because the teacher described him kind of like a side character . dang i never knew how many lines I had. (and we have to act it out :P )
  • I am going to have to read Romeo and Juliet later this year and I am not good at old English but thanks for the sparknotes thing. It will sure help a lot. :D
  • we're still doing poetry in my English/Lit class :P but I have a feeling we'll eventually have to read it as well :/ And I'm <span style="font-style:italic">really</span> looking forawd to reading a story where every other word ends in -ith :P But it's better then the other English classes, they have to read to kill a mockingbird :twisted: <br><br>if you want to try reading a hard play/story try Cerino de Bergenack, I had to read that last year in middle school for Lit III, not fun. :/ Jist of it: *Written in play format in a book *Super tiny print *Half of it's in French >.<
    <br><br><br>>_> we had to read To Kill a Mockingbird last year xD
    Please PM if I win.
    Boz's Art Dump
  • this is ironic because we were talking about this today is English, one girl was flipping through the book to find the poem she was going to have to read and came upon the part where Juliet dies <span style="font-size:75">(not sure if it was the "1st" time or the 2nd time) </span> and we were making fun of how she's supposible dying but still talks on for about two whole pages, then someone mentioned something about Leonardo Decapreo and the whole conversation shifted to something about the Chinese Theater, or whatever the place where the stars put their handprints in cement blocks is called. O_o XD
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