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Banner Contest

Ok here is the deal I need a couple of banners for my kennel <br><br>the dogs i want on the banner are :Bedlington Terriers, poodles, Wirehaired Pointing Griffon , It can have one breed or all the breeds i don't care be creative, Ineed 2 banners for my kennel if their is a tie on deciding then there can be 2 first places. My kenne link is: <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>; ( would also like my Kennel name and kennel logo on the banner too. If the banners are outstanding I might raise the placing amount and add more places.<br><br>Placings:<br>_________<br>1st 800k <br>2nd : 600k<br><br><br>to enter:<br>1.(kennel name)<br>2. (kennel link) so i can contact you if you win


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