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Resuce Healing

edited February 2008 in Game Suggestions
As a rescue kennel I have over 300 dogs and it takes forever to heal them could there be a button were it says Heal all dogs, without having to scroll down then click heal and you have to scroll down again.


  • I LOVE that idea.<br><br>Also, maybe a "Put All Up For Adoption" and "Return All Dogs" buttons, too. In order to switch from a rescue, you have to get all the rescues out...I had to sit there and get rid of over 500 rescues once when someone gave me a rescue.
  • <33 this idea. Especially the heal all, because now I believe I have over 600 rescues and I don't have time to heal them all. >< So I love this idea.
  • These have been suggested before but I still like the idea.
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