Our mean rooster, Steve (or Bob, or Aggro...he has 3 names. I call him Steve cause that's my dad's name and they're both mean...my brother calls him Bob cause he calls everything Bob..and mom calls him Aggro cause he's mean), is loose!!!! I'm afraid to go outside, but mom and dad won't fix his coop...if he gets into the yard (which he can) he'll kill Phin...the rooster I raised since he was a little fluff...Phin doesn't even have spurs to defend himself with yet! ;-; And I have a scar from Steve, still, from July! Steve's huge and he has huge spurs and he attacks any person that gets near him...or his hens, who are loose too. He attacks goats too, and he can get at all of them now! I hope Hummer, our llama, chases him off or teaches him how to behave...Hummer doesn't like chickens. <br><br>I don't know what to do...I'm afraid to even go outside now ><;;;<br><br>This is the demonic...thing. It was taken before he snapped and got all aggressive. <br><br><img src="
http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p311/Kite_Katsumi/Outdoor Pets/860835.jpg" alt="
http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p311/Kite_Katsumi/Outdoor Pets/860835.jpg" class="bb-image" />