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Rescue-ing doggehs! [again]

edited February 2008 in General Services
Since this went pretty well last time, I decided to do it again. I am a Sponsor Rescue Kennel and I will find dogs of certain breeds for you. Just fill out the form as follows:<br><br>
<span style="font-weight:bold">Dog Breed</span><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Gender</span><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Stats</span>
<br><br>How to fill out the form:<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Dog Breed</span> Put the type of dog breed :]<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Gender</span> Male, Female, Neutered, Doesn't Matter<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Stats</span> please put a range, like 5x4-8x4 or import or something xD<br><br>You can pay whatever price you want :]


  • Dog Breed: Siberian Husky<br>Gender : Doesn't matter as long as it's intact<br>Stats: 6x4 or over please<br>Also, I need it to be unnamed, sorry, I have a friend looking for dogs like that<br><br>Dog Breed : Dingo<br>Gender: doesn't matter<br>Stats: doesn't matter
  • Buffy wants imports! ^.^<br><br>So any breed. just imports :D
  • Dog Breed : flat Coated Retriever<br>Gender : Any<br>Stats: import<br><br>Has to be fairly young if not full trained. I prefer dogs not bred (they also need to be unneutered) They can be named. Also, I will take any imports FOR SURE if they have LP in front of their name.
    To contact me quicker, message me through my kennel. Thanks!
  • Dog Breed itallian greyhound<br>Gender 3male 4 female<br>Stats import (trained if possible)
  • Dog Breed: Dingos or any with 07 behind their name.<br>Gender: No pref.<br>Stats: Relatively young or trainable, none with less than 100 loyalty - Dingos<br>Any dog with 07 behind their name, I want :)
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