This is sort of a survey kinda thing

<br><br>How much playcash do you have, and how did you obtain it? <br><br><br>I shall start ^^ I have a little over 300 mill, and I make moolah by selling trained dogs, selling gifties, hosting events, winning events, boarding fees, rescue adoptions, breeding fees, selling art, selling banners occasionally, and rarely auctioning dyes or something ^^ that and I panic if I spend cash >>; So I guess I save it up too. I also was given around 100 mill when one of my friends' quit, but she wanted 50 mill back when she came back ^^<br><br><br><br><span style="font-size:9">I don't know if this should go in Tips&Tricks? People might find ways to make money...?</span>
Boz's Art Dump
Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel
I had my first Grapple! 1/2/09
Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel
Willing to slave art for a sponcer upgrade.
Boz and Ana Luffs Ru! ( we own her you see! :P ) NUU Ori owns Ru!! YAARRR!!!