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to do anything you guys want for VPC. I'm need some more badly, so I will work to get some! Please help! I'll do anything but train cause I can't train so please help! I can do a lot of things!


  • would you be willing to go through rescue kennels and find ones that have imports up for adoption I will give you like 2k per import found.
  • Well I have 50 mil, so I would be willing to donate around 3 mil to you :)<br><br><br>Send a neggie to Crzycurlyq ;)
  • karolina4 wrote:
    Well I have 50 mil, so I would be willing to donate around 3 mil to you :)<br><br><br>Send a neggie to Crzycurlyq ;)
    <br><br>O___O HOLY POOP
    Please PM if I win anything.
  • PishPosh wrote:
    karolina4 wrote:
    Well I have 50 mil, so I would be willing to donate around 3 mil to you :)<br><br><br>Send a neggie to Crzycurlyq ;)
    <br><br>O___O HOLY POOP
    <br><br>Same thing I thought! You have alot of money Crzycurlyq! Thanks so much! And dogs trainer. I'll start looking.
  • Pishy can have some if shes [he?] poor ;)<br><br><br><br><br>I sold a sponcer, and have nothing to use the monies for since I already have a sponcer, AND I am not very interested in gifties...<br><br>:)<br><br>BTW I have a new forums account, so I'll post as Crzy, not karolina4
  • would you be willing to go through rescue kennels and find ones that have imports up for adoption I will give you like 2k per import found.
    <br><br>That doesn't make any sense. She'll have to pay 2k plus 250 dollars for the dogs so that means she'll lose money.
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