Some of you know, probably most of you don't, my dog is human & animal aggressive. I won't get into much detail, but basically, she was never socialized properly and she hardly accepts any animals, and usually no humans, unless she's used to them (or they show her who's boss).<br><br><br>Alrighty. Well. Most places don't allow dogs, and I can understand why, but I LOVE going places with dogs around. Or at least mine, I can't stand other dog owners.. Or most of them, anyhow, but that's another story completely.<br><br><br>But, there's a mall by me that I decided to go to. My friend, Davina, and I have never been there. She was going to bring her son, but since I was taking Einstein, we didn't take her son. (Her son is about 1 1/2 years old).<br><br>It's about 20-ish minutes from me, I think. But it's called Stoney Point Fashion Park, it's really a park too. Well, a market-place setting, but it's got cobble-stone/brick walkways, etc. and it's outdoors. Over 30 shops allow dogs, and there's even areas for dogs to get water.<br><br><br>To get on.. I spent a little over $80 on the following shops..<br><br>- Godiva : truffles..
I've never tasted them before.. Cost $13.13 for 8 truffles x.x<br>- Bath & Body Works : coconut soap & sweet pea lotion<br>- Three Dog Bakery : 1 Boxer Brownie, 2 Snickerpoodles, 2 Nutty Squirrels, 2 Harlequin Hearts, and 1 valentine heart (that says Puppy love on it.. Or did, anyhow)<br>- Dick's Sporting Goods : Atomic fireballs..<br>- Panera's : Turkey sandwich (for Einstein's lunch XD)<br>- Ann Taylor : A musk body wash for my mom<br>- Baby Gap : 1 Velveteen rabbit for my niece, 1 ba-ing sheep for Davina's son<br>- Yankee Candle Company : 1 Juicy Watermelon candle..<br><br>I went into a bunch of stores, just browsing. It's a very "yuppy" mall, extremely expensive no matter where you go. Most deserts on the restaurants' menus were $15+<br><br>We went into places like Brooks Brothers, Anthropologie, etc. and the prices were absolutely outrageous. Some shirts were $200+.. And even the shirts/clothes/stuff on "sale" was $40+.<br><br>We also had our share of obnoxious shoppers.. There were these two adult guys who actually teased my dog. Why would anybody ever think of doing such a thing? And they were telling me that I shouldn't bring a "dangerous" dog in public.. Honestly, they shouldn't be concerned about petting every dog that sets foot on the property, much less trying to tell me what to do. (I hate anyone who tells me what to do, with an absolute hellish passion. XD)<br><br><br>Anyhow. XD Davina got us free Starbucks.
She knew the guys who worked there, which is awesome. Saved my brother around $15, which, considering he only had $80 with him, was a good thing.<br><br><br>But.. My main point is.. Einstein also got to enjoy it. We stayed there for almost 5 hours, on our feet the whole time.. She's extremely tired. I had exercised her before we went too, so she'd be easier to handle (so she wouldn't like, lunge at Davina).<br><br>She was afraid of some people's dogs, there were horrible dog owners there. I'd explain why, but I shouldn't.. It'd take too long.
:P I also realized that Einstein is terrified of escalators. <br><br><br>So, some piccys to show you of Einy's day. ^^ Some are actually displayed, others give you links just in case you want to view them.<br><br><br><img src="" alt="" class="bb-image" /><br>-- Walking her before I left.. I woke up at 6 in the morning (going to sleep at like.. 3 AM -.-) to walk her for an hour. I walk her off-leash or with the leash on and dragging.. Much better communication goes on between us if there's no hands involved.<br><br><a href="" target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... davina.jpg</a> -- Davina.. I would've had Einy in the pic, but Davina wouldn't go too close to Einy, so I never took any pics of her today.<br><br><img src="" alt="" class="bb-image" /><br>-- Sitting on a bench when my brother & Davina went off to get Starbucks..<br><br><a href="" target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... /einy5.jpg</a> -- Another of her on the bench while they were at Starbucks..<br><br><img src="" alt="" class="bb-image" /><br>-- 4 ish hours after arriving at the mall<br><br><a href="" target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... /einy2.jpg</a> -- Taken the same time as above picture<br><br><img src="" alt="" class="bb-image" /><br>-- Oh my.. A very very very tired dog. (Suprised that she can still walk after almost 5 hours of being on her feet.. She's never had that much constant exercise)<br><br><br>She only took a drink once, and drank too much.. She threw it back up.
But after we got home, she drank and she feels fine now.. She's just extremely tired.. <br><br><br>But yeah.. That's a recap of my day & Einy's "adventure". She's never been inside of a store before, other than Petco/Petsmart.. She loved it, amazingly. XD I thought she'd freak out more, but she acted like a dog who's done it her entire life..<br><br><br>Now I get to go sleep and to sleep in.. I walked her for 3 miles (about an hour) before I went, and then probably at least 2 miles while I was there.. <br><br><br><br>- Anastasia
10.31.10 ❤</span></div>