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Animated Quill Signatures >>

If you would like a quill signature like this:<br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br>then please read the following information and provide me with all the information :) Please also remember that these aren't something that you can just throw together in a few min. The longer you want it the longer it will take me. On average it takes about an hour or so, so please be patient.<br><br>Price: 300k<br>Copyright: Crazy4Horses<br>Buying: Please send me a contract for 300k, and I will send you the code to put it on the forums as a signature, and also the code to add it onto your kennel page.<br><br>What I need to know:<br><br>Text: What do you want written by the quill. Please keep this short. Anything extremely long will not be accepted and you will be asked to shorten it. Your name, username, a hobby, fav dog breed, pets name ect; are all good ideas to use for text :)<br><br>Color: It can be whatever color you like. The quill and text will be this color, and the ink pot will stay black :)<br><br><span style="color:red">**NOTE** This is my fist one. All signatures from now on will be saved as .png so that the quality will be better (no fuzziness) and not .gif. Therefore the background will no longer be transparent but all backgrounds will be white. If you would rather yours be .gif (for the transparent background) then please let me know, otherwise it will be the .png.**</span>
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