I had that kennel bookmarked but you got to it while I was sleeping. I was so close. Drat. But that was a lot of dogs to go through. Congrats on the good find.[/code]
I've had it bookmarked for awhile too. I lost some sleep rescuing those pups. lol I went to be at midnight, but any other day it would have been 10-11 p.m.
I release/retire all dogs unless I cannot (those go up for adoption) or if they are trained, imports, or high starred I keep them.<br><br>But if I see any paps, I'll do it for you!
I will take probably take both it all depends on the training of the neutered ones seeing they would be used for showing. I will give you more money after I figure out how many dogs there actually is. There are a few imports that I told Buffy she could have.