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Gifty Colors

Dying one of my coonhounds& I want it to be IchigoxRukia based... so...<br><br><br>I came up with this:<br><br>Eternal Love w. Zanpakutos Crossed<br><br>(Does Zanpakutos look right? XD)<br><br>I also came up with these, which arent really related:<br><br>Fading Love w. Shattered Heart<br>Fading Twilight w. New Moon Overhead (can guess where that idea came from XD)<br><br>In His Arms w. Calming Security<br>Also based off of the one above I was thinking,<br>In Ichigo's Arms...but dont know what else to put after it o.o<br><br><br>Anyway...have any other ideas/suggestions? :D And, please let me know which is your favorite.<br><br><br>Thanks.<br><br><br><span style="font-style:italic">Also, please dont take these without permission, I did actually take the time to think o.o Unless these are already made or something...dunno, I dont really look at gifties. Well...dont take them if they are already made either, but >.< You know what I mean. Just adding this note real quick...cuz I forget that everyone may be looking at this XD</span>
All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.


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