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edited April 2008 in Games
Me and Sylvertip and Doodle and a couple more people were making these hilarious stories on Chat, and I wanted to start a huge Make-A-Story on here. :D Ok heres the rules:<br><br>1. You may ONLY use the 5 names listed below.<br>2. No page stretching :x <br>3. Make sure you dont put the same thing the other person has. That can be REALLY confusing.<br>4. Make the story exciting. No bad language or use of weapons. Dropping people in volcanoes is fine. :P <br>5.HAVE FUN, I SAY! :twisted: <br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Available names:</span><br>Main Characters<br>1. Magpye<br>2. Sylvertip<br>Other People<br>3. Laranisis<br>4. Doodle<br>5. SeaOats<br><br><br>I will begin the story:<br>There was two doodles. Magpye was the Cutest and Sylvertip was the smartest.


  • Doodle was the cleverest doodle of all remember xD<br>My character is Doodle
  • .... :oops: <br>You can only use the 5 names and you dont have a character :? :(
  • So Magpye and Sylvertip where setting out for their adventure through the volcano filled mountains. Sylvertip holding the map and compass, whilst Magpye was sorting out her hair in the mirror. They where walking through the mountains when...
    Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
  • ... all of a sudden a giant purple people eater jumped behind a bush and yelled "Boo!" and then the purple people eater realized that he was scaring doodles. Not people and thus he ran off grumbling something along the lines of "Silly doodles. *Grumblegrumblegrumble* Coulda hada snacka. *grumble* I'll gets me a people instead. *grumblegrumble*" And then the doodle who were still a little scared and very confused...
  • The doodles walked to the park and played on the swings.
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