I am preparing my fangirls. I have started my mob. They are currently sharpening their knives and pitchforks...<br><br>I know they're going to ruin it, now. I just know it. Edward does not run on treetops... he's too sexy and awesome for that. <br><br><br>They're ruining everything.
I know.<br><br>They are looking for extras for the movie. If anyone lives in Oregon, you can probably be in it. Go to Stephenie Meyers website for more info about it. I wish I like there. Or even close to there..
Uh, yeah no.<br><br>I live in Indiana... No where NEAR Oregon. (Evil, evil state... Grr...)<br><br>I wish, I wish.<br><br>I'm bringing my book and screaming "THAT'S WRONG!" every time something wrong happens.<br>Muh friends' are doin' it, too.
Here were my reactions to these actors/actresses.<br><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Carlisle</span> - I actually kinda like the probable actor for him. If he shaved and st uff, he could look like carlisle in my mind. and died his hair, of course.<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Rosalie</span> - Eww!!! No way.<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Victoria</span> - Eh, if she died her hair, -maybe-.<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Alice</span> - I couldn't find a good pic of her, so I'm not sure what she looks like.<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Esme</span> - Not what I pictured in my mind, but I can see her a little in there. Not altogether dissapointing.<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Bella</span> - No. Frickin. Way. So. Not. Bella. Swan.<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Edward</span> - Absolutely not pretty enough.<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Mike</span> - When I saw this actor, I laughed. Can't decide if he's all wrong or perfect, lol.<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Eric</span> - No...not at ALL how I pictured him.<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Jessica</span> - I like the actress they chose for her.<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">James</span> - Er, no.
Well they arent going to be able to find a guy big enough to be Emmet. A lot of it will be body suits or digital. Im still thinking Laurent or James. Emmet is still a possibility i guess...
Uh, yeah no.<br><br>I live in Indiana... No where NEAR Oregon.
<br><br>Holy cow! I didn't know that! lol Hello fellow Hoosier!
<br><br>Hello hello! <br><br>I still don't like anyone they chose. No one. The only one I think is halfway-ok is Jessica. But, bleh.<br><br>Fangirls are on standby...
I dont imagine Jasper like that at all either but, all of us have different pictures. Im thinking, and hoping he is Laurent and not Emmet or Jasper. I would rather him be a very minor character then one of the Cullens. Cause we dont see much of Laurent in Twilight. Just a few scenes. But then he returns in New Moon and is also there for only a few scenes to try to kill Bella. Yep so Im hoping for Laurent but him as Jasper is still possible.
Jackson Rathbone has been cast as Jasper Hale. So he is out of the running for who Kellan Lutz will play. My bets are on Laurent now. Or I really hope he is. But I have a bad feeling that he is going to be Emmet. He looks too young to play Laurent. But I really hope he gets the part cause I cant see him as Emmet. Or more, i dont want to see him as Emmet.<br><br>Current Cast:<br><br>Bella Swan: Kristen Stewart <br>Edward Cullen: Robert Pattison <br>Mike Newton: Michael Welch <br>Eric: Justin Chon <br>Jessica: Anna Kendrick <br>James: Cam Gigandet<br>Esme: Elizabeth Reaser<br>Alice: Ashley Greene<br>Rosalie: Nikki Reed<br>Carlisle: Peter Facinelli<br>Victoria: Rachel Lefevre<br>Jasper Hale: Jackson Rathbone
I know! When I saw him I was like Nooo!! He looks to young to me. I mean I know Jasper is young like the rest of the Cullens in the book but for some reason I imagine him kind of wise looking, since he has been through so much and all. Urgg..This movie is not going well.<br><br>And they are really killing me. I about cry every time they cast another person and they DONT CAST JACOB! They have to have the actor chosen by now, cause they have started filming! Why are they doing this to us?!?! I want to know who is Jacob sooo badly. I know the expression, save the best for last, but I really wish they wouldnt. I want to know now!! Its killing me!
I wanna know who plays Jacob! They better pick a good actor for him... <br><br>Jasper does look waaay too young, he looked old for his age, or else he wouldn't have joined the army, remember? (I just reread Eclipse for the tenth time so I remember little details like that xD) But anyways, he doesn't look like him at all.<br><br>OMG, I just relooked at pics of him... and it says he originally was one of Stephanie's picks for Edward... and I must say, he looks more like Edward than Jasper, though not by much.
Yepp I remember. I knoww.<br><br>I want Steven Straight as Jacob. He is the perfect Jake. Hot, got the Native American look, great actor, awesome voice, great body for when he makes the change. All around perfect actor. I love him! <br><br>If they dont tell us who they have picked soon I am going to hurt someone..<br><br>I think he would be a better Edward then Robert is. But oh well, nothing we can do. Im sure Robert will do to the best of his HUMAN ability.
Steven Strait is like my perfect Jacob, if he had long hair... (like in Sky High if you've ever seen that movie, I didn't like it but he looked just like I imagined Jacob would then)
Yes, he is perfect<br><br>Ive seen that movie a million times. I think its pretty good. Yep, him with that length hair, or a little longer minus the pink streaks that were in it and BAM, there is the Jacob we all know and love. They said in some new realease thing bobs that they would be realeasing the names of Billy, Jacon, and Charlie around the same time they realeased Jasper. So we should probably be finding out within the next few days, who they have chosen. Or we better be. Despite how much I really really really want Steven Straight to get the part, I dont think he is. One reason for my doubt is his age. He has to be able to do the other movies and its gonna be really hard for him to pull off a 16 year old, In Twilight anyway. It would be easier in New Moon after he makes the change cause it says he looks like a 21 year old. And my other reason is that Steven Straight is a bigger star. And they are using like all new talent for this movie. I had only heard of one of the people out of the whole cast. Ive never seen any of the others in movie. But I really hope Steven Straight gets it. He should, he is perfect!!
He definently should, but you're right, they are using mostly new talent.<br><br>The only one I recognized right away was Kristen Stewart, because I saw The Messengers and I loved it... The other ones I'd never heard of except for Robert Pattinson, I'd seen him in Harry Potter 4, but I didn't know it was him xD<br><br>I really don't like any of them for the parts they got chosen for...
This is evil.<br><br>They had better do a darn good job, otherwise I'm going on a rampage. <br><br>I wouldn't mind Steven Straight... I just mind everyone else.
Sigh, all Im saying is that they better be using a lot of make-up, wigs, and computer editing or heads will roll.<br><br>Jazz your Edward quote banner is soo cool.<br>I love it!!
I just looked it up... Kellan Lutz has been cast as Emmett :x Billy Burke has also been added to the cast, but it says TBA... I think he's going to be Laurent.
Yep. I meant to put that. Sigh...<br>So my bad feeling was right.<br><br><br>Current Cast:<br>Bella Swan: Kristen Stewart <br>Edward Cullen: Robert Pattison <br>Mike Newton: Michael Welch <br>Eric: Justin Chon <br>Jessica: Anna Kendrick <br>James: Cam Gigandet <br>Esme: Elizabeth Reaser <br>Alice: Ashley Greene <br>Rosalie: Nikki Reed <br>Carlisle: Peter Facinelli <br>Victoria: Rachel Lefevre <br>Jasper Hale: Jackson Rathbone<br>Emmet Cullen: Kellan Lutz
Thanks =3 I've been sitting around making Twilight banners all day xD It's really kinda sad. I love your first one ^.^ That's so cute.<br><br>I'm dreading the casting of Jacob... the auditions in Oregon were/are today
I would make banners if I had a ounce of talent. I just get them made or ask people if I can use theres.<br><br>What auditions? The one for the extras?