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Twilight the Movie

edited February 2008 in General Discussion
I cant wait till it comes out. Right now everyone is saying December 12th but it isn't yet confirmed. If that date is right then we still have practically 7 months! Sob! They've recently released the names of a few more characters. A few of whom look nothing like they are described in the book. For example Cam Gigandet has been chosen as James and in the Twilight book it says that James was one of the only plain vampire in the whole story. Beauty wise. He wasn't extremely attractive when he was a human and so when he was turned it improved his looks only a little. He was, rather plain. And if you look at Cam's pictures he is definitely not plain. Smokin Hot!! Everyone's going to be all over him more then they are Edward! Also in a interview with Kristen Stewart (our Bella) she says that when Edward runs, he runs across treetops and she talked about what fun it was going to be. Yeah..uh...Edward runs super fast..on the ground. Not on treetops. I think that is rather odd that he would run on top of trees. How would he get up there?? And in the plot like they have been saying that James, Victoria and Laurent are mortal enemies of the Cullen's. They had never met before the game of baseball. The casting director also seems to be adding more people for scenes that they are putting in that aren't in the book. Like in on scene Bella and Charlie go to a dinner and eat as they do every Thursday. In the book it is clearly stated and described that Bella cooks practically everyday. They are adding in waitresses who are friends with Bella. And truck drivers. Hippies. And they have changed Bella's Bio-teachers name. It is now, Mr. Molina. They are also making Charlie have another best friend other then Billy, Waylon Forge. He becomes the first victim of Jame's, Laurent and Victoria's feeding when they come into town. But the book says that they don't hunt in the Cullen's area. They are changing a lot of things and I really hope that they don't mess this up. But things aren't looking good. :( <br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br>Here is a list of the cast that has been confirmed and released:<br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br>So far those are the only ones that I am aware of. It seems odd that they would be releasing the names of some of the more minor characters and not the more main ones. Like the Cullen's. Only Edward so far. Or Charlie. They have also yet to release the name of the actor who will be Jake. Now that is flat out torture. True he doesn't really come into the story till towards around the middle and he doesn't play that big of a role in Twilight, but everyone still wants to know who will play Jake. Because he will most likely be playing in the sequels New Moon and Eclipse, where he has major roles. I am very excited to find out the names of some more of the cast. I cant wait for the movie!!


  • This year? Last I heard it wasn't coming out until 2010 o.o Yay!<br><br><br>And as far as messing up the storyline, don't all movies? Usually, the books are always better than the movies...and they never try to correct movies no matter how many times they hear this o.o I hope they don't mess it up though, but... I was figuring on the movie being a dud compared to the book :(
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • I have only one thing to say about this....<br><br><span style="font-size:200">WOOT WOOT</span><br><br>I absolutely CAN NOT wait!
    <span style="font-size: 10pt;">rLHC1jx.gif </span><div><span style="font-size: 10pt;">sophierue.png</span><span style="font-size: small;"> </span></div><div><span style="font-size: small;">oh I swear to ya, I'll be there for ya.
    10.31.10 ❤
  • Yep this year!!<br><br>Woo! Your right Nickel. Like the Harry Potter series. I just hope they stick to the book as much as possible and don't make another Eragon. I will have to hurt someone if they mess this up. This is really going to effect Twilight's rep and if they mess it up they could discourage a lot of people from reading it. But then again once the movie comes out people just watch the movies and done care about the books. That's how a lot of people were with Harry Potter. But Ive read all the books. I like to have a lot of detail.
  • I have never read Harry Potter..and don't plan on it.<br><br>I also didnt read Blood&Chocolate, and I loved the movie. But, people who read the book, hated the movie. Same effect with Eragon, I watched the movie& didnt read it.. I loved the movie.<br><br>Im sure the same thing would happen with Twilight. It'd be a good movie to those who don't read it if nothing else, so... I don't think it would hurt it's rep too badly ^.^ Unless they completely screw it up o.O But let's hope not.
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • I read the Harry Potter books and they are pretty different from the movies, they leave out <span style="font-weight:bold">a lot</span> of detail. But I still love the movies. I read Blood and Chocolate the book and loved it, watched the movie, it sucked compared to the book. Still a good movie just nothing like the book. I never read the Eragon books and watched the movie, it was okay but from what I heard from everyone that did read the book, it sucked comparatively. I hope they just keep to the book as much as possible. Stephenie did such a good job with her book, it would be cool to see it in movie form just as they are. But that never happens. Sigh..
  • :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: <br><br>December? DECEMBER!?!?<br><br><br>CAPS lock cannot express my fangirly joy.<br>I'm hyperventilating and my mother who is in the room with me is giving me very odd looks.<br><br>I do not mind if they change a few little things. A <span style="font-style:italic">few</span>. But if they mess this up, I will personally track them down and set my pack of wild wolves on them. No joke. :twisted: <br><br><br> :lol:<br><br>I hate the latest Harry Potter movie. I like the books much better. Blood and Chocolate... I can't say. I've seen and read it, but I"m too disgusted in the movie that I can't explain it. Same with Eragon the movie (did you hear the third book is coming out soon?).<br><br>I'm going to go hyperventilate some more. :D
  • DECEMBER????<br><br>As soon as it comes out, Jazzeh will be right there going to it... and I'll have the book with me so I can compare everything xD<br><br>It sounds like they're totally ruining the storyline...<br><br>I'll either LOVE LOVE LOVE it... or absolutely HATE HATE HATE it, there's really not an inbetween for me :lol:
  • lol I too am very excited about the movie come out. Every time they release another member of the cast I start having trouble breathing cause I get so excited. December just seems so far away. We just got past December a few months ago. Almost 10 months. Sob. I have a feeling this is going to be a in between for me. I think they are going to mess it up so its not going to be perfect but I dont think there going to bomb it. Probably just mistakes, or what I would consider mistakes, will be made. I cant wait!! Squeee!
  • They have officialy just added Michael Welch to play the role of Mike Newton. I personally think there choice is all wrong. He looks like a ten year old and he's 21. He is nothing like I imagined Mike. My image of mike was more towards Lucas Grabeel off of High School Musical. But its not my choice to make.<br><br>Here's the current cast:<br>Bella Swan: Kristen Stewart <br>Edward Cullen: Robert Pattison <br>Mike Newton: Michael Welch<br>Eric: Justin Chon <br>Jessica: Anna Kendrick <br>James: Cam Gigandet
  • Just picked up twilight after reading this thread.. OMG could not put it down for the life of me.. So now I'm on a man..i mean book-hunt for new moon. i wonder which book stores will carry it here.
  • Do you have a Books a Million? They carry them. So does Barnes and Noble. Try there. Also, look at your library. Its a fairly popular series so libraries tend to have them. Or you could just order it off of Amazon.
  • sorry.. on the other side of the world.. i'm in israel. lol though i do love Barnes and Noble and Books-a-million
  • Secret, I must say that I love your first banner.<br><br>And I've changed my mind. I won't set my pack of wild wolves on them (since wolves take so much effort to train, even if they ARE wild).<br><br>Instead, I will gather my mob of wild, rabid fangirls, point in the general direction, and set THEM loose. I'm sure there's a couple hundred where I'm at... Heh heh. :D
  • lol yepp.<br><br>I cant wait for the movie. or Breaking Dawn.<br><br>Me and my friend Katie did nothing but talk about theories for Breaking Dawn at Lunch today. Some of them made me want to puke. Like Bella not being able to be turned into a vampire. Think about it! Doesnt it make you feel sick?! I does me. <br><br>If anybody wants to know some of my theories PM me and I will gladly tell you. But be warned, some of them are upsetting. :( <br><br> :D
  • I cannot wait to see the movie! But.. I am a little worried about it. I know I won't love it.. cause it already sounds like they are messing up the storyline.. and I pictured Edward a lot different D; But.. I am even more excited about the book coming out in fall :D At least.. thats when I heard its coming out. I've read Twilight, New Moon, and Ecplipse and I could never put them down :D I really hope the movie doesn;t ruin the book too much.
    Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel :)
  • Im with yah on that. Personal opinion here: They have screwed the storyline. Chosen all the wrong people for the parts. And are messing up so many scenes, its otherworldy. Done with Personal Opinion. 172 days till Breaking Dawn..
  • Ok...stupid question...who's Eric? XD I read them all... cant remember who that is o.o
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • Ok...stupid question...who's Eric? XD I read them all... cant remember who that is o.o
    <br><br>I don't remember an Eric either.. o.o
    Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel :)
  • He is the guy with the greasy black hair and bad skin who has a crush on bella along with Mike. Eric throws a snowball at mike when he is talking to Bella. Remember?
  • Oh yeah!<br><br>I remember!<br><br>xP
    Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel :)
  • See. Yep. Im good like that.<br><br>I help people remember stuff. Woo! :D
  • Oh Dunno why I forgot that...hes the one that almost ran her Tyler...? Im confused again XD
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • Oh Dunno why I forgot that...hes the one that almost ran her Tyler...? Im confused again XD
    <br>That's Tyler xP
  • Yep. Tyler. And Tyler thought he was taking Bella to the prom. Eric, Mike, and Tyler all asked Bella.<br><br>I'd say Nickel needs to re read the Twilight book. :lol:
  • Lmao. I remember the name Eric now, like being mentioned...but I dont remember much about him. Its been about a year since Ive read it XD Plus... I was prolly rushing through the parts talking about him, lol. I was interested in Edward...and Edward only. :lol:
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • I really think a lot of readers are going to be disappointed that the movie isn't exactly like the book; me included.<br><br>I'm very excited though!
  • lol Nickel. Me too. <br><br>I agree Zag. From how the movie sounds like it is going so far I think I am going to be very disappointed. :(
  • The made a new announcement yesterday O.O<br><br>Michael Welch has been cast as Mike Newton.<br><br>I dunno who that is lol xD
  • They have officialy just added Michael Welch to play the role of Mike Newton. I personally think there choice is all wrong. He looks like a ten year old and he's 21. He is nothing like I imagined Mike. My image of mike was more towards Lucas Grabeel off of High School Musical. But its not my choice to make.<br><br>Here's the current cast:<br>Bella Swan: Kristen Stewart <br>Edward Cullen: Robert Pattison <br>Mike Newton: Michael Welch<br>Eric: Justin Chon <br>Jessica: Anna Kendrick <br>James: Cam Gigandet
    <br>Yep. I made a post about it yesterday. :D
  • Here are some more names of the cast. These names have not been confirmed by the movies casting director but they are from a very reliable source. I about cried looking at these people. All of them are so wrong. Except Alice and Victoria, I can seen Alice and Victoria in them a little. All the rest, my opinion, nooo.<br><br>Current Cast:<br>Bella Swan: Kristen Stewart <br>Edward Cullen: Robert Pattison <br>Mike Newton: Michael Welch <br>Eric: Justin Chon <br>Jessica: Anna Kendrick <br>James: Cam Gigandet<br><br>Probable cast:<br>Elizabeth Reaser-Esme<br>Ashley Greene-Alice<br>Nikki Reed-Rosalie<br>Peter Facinelli-Carlisle<br>Rachel Lefevre-Victoria
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