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so Happy -dances-

<span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:indigo">ok so i don't know how many of you know about my <span style="font-weight:bold">HUGE</span> bunny addiction.<br><br>if not here is a short story.<br>This summer I found my dog destroying a Rabbit nest >.< there was like 4 babies, and a adult Rabbit. but jake had already got to and killed like all of em but one of the babies.anyway, i got the one away from jake, and made a little cage out of my old rat cage. with a heating pad and such. but pebbles died sadly about 2 weeks after we found him.<br>then there was an eben littler bunneh named pitunia, like the flower (SP?) that my kitty brought in. poor bunny was like half chewed and stuff.. but still alive, so i put it in a empty fishtank. and made like a "nest" for him and put the heating pad in there. and i "nursed" him will goat milk. but sadly she died to.. but neither one had any good chance of living and growing up.<br><br><br>but Anyway back to the subject,<br>my bestest friend, teeny, has three bunnies, and they recently had little babes, they are like.. 2 weeks old now.<br>and igot to school today and Teeny was like!!! omg!!! you still want a bunnie!!? and so i went to see them.. and i found peebles 2, hehe<br><br>i can't wait, only 14 more days till i get to bring her home!</span></span>
we will see
Please Pm me if I win


  • O.O How exciting !
    Please PM if I win anything.
  • Congrats! <3 What kind of bunny? *wants an english lop*
  • i think rex.<br>wait<br>is there a rex >.><br>idk.<br><br>i think rex.
    we will see
    Please Pm me if I win
  • Mini rex and rex.. Yah. :) Rexs have velveteh fur <3
  • my dog that i had before destroyed a nest once, but he didn't do it to ruin it. he could sense that all the baby rabbits were dead except for one so he grabbed it and brought it to me. i kept it for a couple of months and then let it go in the wild. it still visits me once in awhile. i marked him with a string around his neck, and he also has a white stripe down his forhead, so i know that its him.<br><br>..the weird thing is, is that my dog was a german shepherd, usually he would eat things like that. it was so cute. oh and usually german shepherds HATE cats....well the one i have now LOVES them. <span style="font-size:75">(but the cats are terrified of her)</span>
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