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RL Breed Question...

Tibetan Mastiffs Does anyone own any in real life? Where did you get yours. Yes finally decided that they are the breed i want.. I have looked over many breeds and i just keep coming back to them. So im looking for breeders and such and i only found 3 in the USA? ... It will be a while before i can get one so im just looking around.. Any help would be really nice.
Para cant make her mind up as to which banner to put on here haha.. crazyy para


  • you already might know I have Tibetans, but there<br>aren't only 3 breeders in the US xD there can't be... :lol: <br><br>my suggestion...go to a dog show and start talking to Tibetan person :D
  • xP I own a dorkette. <br><br>Hm.. Try a show? Call the local animal shelter/vets and see if they know of any?
  • I agree with Dreamland and Moonlight.. Going to a dog show and talking to breeders will get you familiar with the breed AND good breeders.<br><br>Good luck, they're a beautiful breed! :D
  • <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... Info.shtml</a><br>^^^ holy crans..<br>i dont think there<br>are just three XD
  • Tibetan Mastiffs are my favorite breed, and I plan on getting some to show one day :P I've already chosen the kennel I'm buying from lol, Drakyi Kennels.<br><br>Drakyi has a lot of information on their site. Going to shows should help now too since TM's were recently added to the working group and will be able to compete in all shows.
  • I dont know where you live but i good show to check out would be the international in chicago they have atleast one dog of every breed so you may find one :)
  • Oriyana wrote:
    Tibetan Mastiffs are my favorite breed, and I plan on getting some to show one day :P I've already chosen the kennel I'm buying from lol, Drakyi Kennels.<br><br>Drakyi has a lot of information on their site. Going to shows should help now too since TM's were recently added to the working group and will be able to compete in all shows.
    <br><br>Ori i want to buy mine from there too... I love there dogs..<br>Frapple-thanks for the site. I was like there cant be 3 but that is all i was finding lol..
    Para cant make her mind up as to which banner to put on here haha.. crazyy para
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