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edited January 2008 in General Discussion
sorry. it's a snow day :D <br><br><span style="color:green"><span style="font-size:200">IM HAPPY</span></span>


  • For Silver, monday=snow day tuesday=regular day today=snowday<br><br>what's funny is that my school has rotating days(Aday Bday Aday ect) and so far we haven't had any A days this week. :lol:
  • Yay! I have a cold day today! NO SCHOOL! *WOOTS*
    anothernametag2.png 316on4h.gif 2n6c8d4.gif
  • I was pretty happy too. x3 I love snow days.
  • edited January 2008
    Tons of schools were canceled including in the city next to ours. But NOoo we <span style="font-style:italic">have</span> to have school when everyone else doesnt. *sarcasm* :evil:
  • <span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:darkred">Yay.... I live in Virginia and it's 60 degrees outside... :roll:</span></span></span>
  • i luffles cold <br>weather...<br>XD<br>its meh FAVVEEE<br>..<br>i guess its becuase<br>i was born in it..<br> :P
  • frapple...i luffles the cold too :D
  • We're expecting 6-9 inches throughout the night. So possibly no school tomorrow. <br><br>BUT<br><br>Tomorrow was originally a half day and if we don't have school, we've got to make it up on President's Day, ALL DAY.
  • Lucky. <br>I live in New Jersey, and every day, the temperature is either a high 60, or a low 30. <br>But it only snowed twice this year. :/
  • tarnish wrote:
    Tons of schools were canceled including in the city next to ours. But NOoo we <span style="font-style:italic">have</span> to have school when everyone else doesnt. *sarcasm* :evil:
    <br><br>Gosh I know how you feel, we never get a snow day becuase are superatendent doesnt like them ( she even told us that) and so she just wants us to have 2 hour delays if its possible and no snow days.<br><br>Monday- 2 houe delay<br>Tuesday- Didnt snow but we had a bomb threat and had a 2 hour delay becuase of that<br>Wednsday- 2 hour delay<br>Today- Regular<br>Friday- hopefully a snow day
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