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Oh I Wish...



  • Buffy wrote:
    Sorry.. wish not granted. <br>How 'bout you send a negative contract of 300k so you can buy one off somebody.<br><br><br>I wish for a free sponsor training.
    <br><br>Contract to? :wink:
    <br><br>Whoops! Zagari Wolf
  • Buffy! Make wish! xD Hurry!
    kimyo.jpeg 31275.png
  • kimyo wrote:
    Buffy! Make wish! xD Hurry!
    <br><br>Its Zag's Wish :P
  • I wish for a free sponsor training.
    <br><br>^^ Last wish
  • edited August 2008
    Buffy wrote:
    Sorry.. wish not granted. <br>How 'bout you send a negative contract of 300k so you can buy one off somebody.<br><br><br>I wish for a free sponsor training.
    <br><br>Contract to? :wink:
    <br><br> :shock: :shock: :oops: :oops:
    kimyo.jpeg 31275.png
  • Buffy said it was Zags.. xD So I dunno.
  • Dreamland wrote:
    I wish for a free sponsor training.
    <br><br>^^ Last wish
    <br><br><span style="font-size:75">Yeah<br>This is still the last wish<br>Buffy was asking Zag where to send the contract o.o</span>
  • Dreamland wrote:
    I wish for a free sponsor training.
    <br><br>^^ Last wish
    <br><br><span style="font-size:75">Yeah<br>This is still the last wish<br>Buffy was asking Zag where to send the contract o.o</span>
  • Zagari! Pm me! I'll give you a training! I'm too confused anyways. LOL!<br>No grooming pwease? Pwease? PWETTY PWEASE?!<br><br>Anyways, OH I Wish... for monies, or someone to make me 50 banners. >D<br>(send contract to KimYo? pwease? <span style="font-size:150">pwease?</span> <span style="font-size:200">pwease?</span>
    kimyo.jpeg 31275.png
  • i will make you some banners please pm me info<br><br><br>i wish for sponcer trainings or rotties
  • You can have an imported rottie XD<br><br>I wish for a free training.
  • link please?<br><br>last wish was for a free training by clutzilia
  • you can have a free skill maxing only! message great_danes_4_life about the training. =]<br><br><span style="color:green">Oh I Wish For A</span> <span style="color:red">Bunch</span> <span style="color:green">Of VPC. </span><span style="font-size:75">(i'm low again)</span>
  • kypuplover wrote:
    you can have a free skill maxing only! message great_danes_4_life about the training. =]<br><br><span style="color:green">Oh I Wish For A</span> <span style="color:red">Bunch</span> <span style="color:green">Of VPC. </span><span style="font-size:75">(i'm low again)</span>
    <br><br><span style="font-size:75">Send neggy 500K to Darkyness<br><br>I wish:<br>Unmade Imports, Money, or Gifties :]</span>
  • send neggy 300k to Dogcot2<br><br>i wish for giftie(s)
    22/100 mill so far
    I <3 Family Force 5!! on the hunt for another sponcer
  • <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br>;(51 of a kind. xD) I'm never successful. Bid 0. <br><br>Oh I wish... for monies? xD Send contwact to KimYo please? pwease? huh? eh?
    kimyo.jpeg 31275.png
  • wish granted! ill send contract for 500k from CallyKat<br>oh wait! no u send neggi for 500k to CallyKat! oops, lol<br><br>i wish for sponser rescue or HIGH starred daschund female, dont have to be trained,i can train my own :D
  • <span style="font-size:75"> :evil: Sorry... wish not granted... I'm too evil to give you any of that :twisted: <br><br>Can I interest you in being my sponsor rescue partner once I buy one *That'll be very soon, I am yet to be paid for walking the neighbor's dog, babysitting, and filing papers.<br><br>Send me a message and we'll talk it out---My player name is Ludicrous Lunatic.<br><br>Oh, I wish for some monies... Like I said, I'm buying a sponsor rescue soon, so I need monies to keep it running... :shock: Or is that too much to ask? Lol?</span>
  • Send a negative contract of 350k to KimYo <br><br>Oh I Wish... someone would sell me a LOT of spanish greyhounds for free? Or someone to rescue some for me? (unneutered?)
    kimyo.jpeg 31275.png
  • oh sorry forget it>>>>>> :arrow: :arrow:
  • Wish granted kim, I'll go look through them for rescues, and accept your bids :lol: <br><br>I wish for... a giftie
  • a-sap wrote:
    Wish granted kim, I'll go look through them for rescues, and accept your bids :lol: <br><br>I wish for... a giftie
    <br><br>wish not granted.<br>maybe some trainings to sell your dogs to get money to buy one??<br>ill train 4 of your dogs.<br><br>i wish for some VPC?
  • I WISH FOR to find a Sponsor Account for sale with at least 1 change and some cash to help me buy it! :wink:
  • jazzy197 wrote:
    I WISH FOR to find a Sponsor Account for sale with at least 1 change and some cash to help me buy it! :wink:
    <br><br>You have to grant a wish before you can wish one yourself.
  • Mahgic wrote:
    a-sap wrote:
    Wish granted kim, I'll go look through them for rescues, and accept your bids :lol: <br><br>I wish for... a giftie
    <br><br>wish not granted.<br>maybe some trainings to sell your dogs to get money to buy one??<br>ill train 4 of your dogs.<br><br>i wish for some VPC?
    <br><br>Wish Granted send neg 500k to Quincen_Shelties<br><br><br>I wish for some one to higher agression on 8 dogs (fully trained and stat maxed 10x4 bcs)
  • edited August 2008
    EDIT: <br>Posted at the same time as someone else who was also granting a wish. <br><br>PM me I can probably give a few of your dogs higher agressions. :wink: <br><br>I wish for some grooming for 2 of my dogs.
  • CSong518 wrote:
    Mahgic wrote:
    a-sap wrote:
    Wish granted kim, I'll go look through them for rescues, and accept your bids :lol: <br><br>I wish for... a giftie
    <br><br>wish not granted.<br>maybe some trainings to sell your dogs to get money to buy one??<br>ill train 4 of your dogs.<br><br>i wish for some VPC?
    <br><br>Send neggie 500k to Rosalie_CS. Sorry its not much. :wink: <br><br>I wish for someone to do some grooming two dogs for me. Not hard jobs. 4-5 years of grooming per dog.
    <br><br><br>its was already granted
  • Yeah. edited my post. :wink:
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