I saw this and I just wanted to share with everyone. Not every pit bull is mean and aggressive and wants to kill everything in sight. This story really seems to explain that too
<br><br>It's a story about a pit bull Michael Vick had. I read the story about Hector, the dog. And read/skimmed the rest.<br><br><a href="
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22844052/?GT1=10755" target="_blank" class="bb-url">
His back resting comfortably against her chest, Hector nestles his massive canine head into Leslie Nuccio’s shoulder, high-fiving pit bull paws against human hands.<br><br>The big dog — 52 pounds — is social, people-focused, happy now, it seems, wearing a rhinestone collar in his new home in sunny California.<br><br>But as Hector sits up, deep scars stand out on his chest, and his eyes are imploring.<br><br>“I wish he could let us know what happened to him,â€