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Oh my...

So today I had to go to Kansas City for my sister's autism testing and <br>after leaving at 5:30 AM and after the testing was over about at 11:30<br>we were on our way back. So we were going down the highway when <br>suddenly a guy ran across the highway into the grassy part between the <br>two rodes. There was another guy laying down in the ditch part. My mom<br>thought maybe he was in a car wreck and was ejected from the car. <br>Soon a whole bunch of people were on the scene trying to get him up. <br>My mom having medical knowledge from working in the ER knew to never<br>get someone up after something like that because it could do more <br>damage if the back or neck was already broken. So my 5 weeks left <br>before my brother is due mother ran out of the car and told them to<br>not get him up.<br>Well come to find out a friend of his told her it wasnt a wreck but he<br>was a diabetic who had to much insaline and jumped out of his car into<br>traffic. The friend said he was fine and just bumped his head. But that <br>guys head was bleeding. And he had jumped out of a car at 80MPH that<br>is more than a bump. My mom went back to the car after that and I<br>freaked out. He could still have internal injuries and he needed to be <br>taken to a hospital or something especially since he was suicidal.<br>Well wanted to share my high action packed story of today.<br> :?


  • <span style="font-size:75">sweet story. glad he's ok. </span> :D <br><br><br><span style="color:red">once my dad and i were in a semi---like 10 years ago----and we were on a highway, well anyways there was a traffic jam up ahead so we stopped and this car behind us never knew we stopped and they ran into us and got stuck under the semi. come to find out it was a mother, father, and 4 children...and all but one child died...its was pretty sad. </span> :( <br><span style="color:green"><br>and like a year ago my bus got hit by a car, and the person driving it almost died...and well the person that was driving the car was a really good friend of mine...he's a junior in high school.</span>:shock: <br><br><span style="font-size:150">..and to this day..i hate driving...i don't have a driver's licence or my temps..people think im stupid and weird..but they don't understand.</span>
  • Wow. We've been in two accidents. One time a car didn't stop at a red light and we drove into them and the car spun to face the opposite side(Wh00t full van!) no one was hurt. Then.. we accidentally drove into a restaurant x3
  • I have been in 4 car wrecks and a bus wreck. In one car wreck I broke <br>my nose -_- Someone ran a stop sign.
  • Dreamland wrote:
    Then.. we accidentally drove into a restaurant x3
    <br><br>...when i was coming home from Minnesota one time, this person drove into Olive Garden...except it wasn't an accident. ummm i think he was being stupid and was drinking..well ANYWAYS i was uber mad cause i LOVE olive garden, it's meh favorite place to eat. :D
  • XP We drove into a place called Dumsers or something in Ocean City. xP
  • I have been in 3 accidents.<br><br>1 was this summer and someone slammed on there brakes at a red light and they like spun out and hit the car before us, and then we hit that car... the turus.. was crushed. to the point that air bags should have gone off. but.. nope<br><br>1 it was a blind spot, and hit us from the side..<br><br>and one when we were in the parking lot of fredy's and the guy backed into us and crushed the back and middle seats.
    we will see
    Please Pm me if I win
  • Today I almost died, cause this guys stopped dead at a cut-off on the highway. And decided to back up and change his direction, meanwhile, I was behind him in teh car with my mother and friend, and a transport truck was in the next lane. Thank the lord he was in the other lane; cause we prolly would have died, with these icy rodes and the snowstorm raging outside...<br>Anyways, made me late for riding, but I still have my life ;)
    topleaf-1.pngleafyegg.gif<-Lenny *hugs lolo*
  • maybe I shouldn't have read this post before going for my permit in a week or so XD; <br><br>Leafy, I'm glad you're okay. *hugs* My mom says when I first start to drive I won't be allowed to drive in bad weather conditions(snow, ice, freezing rain, ect.)<br><br>Dreamy, that reminds me of Mo's reastruant in Newport. It says when it first opened a person accidently drove through a wall, so Mo put a garage door in. :lol: Mo's has good clam chowder. <3
  • x3 We dented the wall.. And the police officer asked who was driving. The 11 year old(This was years ago), the 9 year old, or the adult. :lol:
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