Cute Zoe ^^ Does s/he have a name yet? XD Im sure the kids will love him/her. Looks kinda like an iguana...but then again not. <br><br>Heh, snakes like children...better off not getting one of those yet *or at least I have always thought they wanted to eat me >.< Still do...*
All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
Personally I would've gone with the snake hands down XD Those water dragons need -huge- enclosures...what are you keeping him//her/it in? (How many gallons?)
You should see him color now. Wow<br>I had to run back to the pet store. And while I was gone he shed the rest of his skin. Wow s/he is a beautiful bright green. <br>Had to get crickets, mealworms, and some vitamins/calcium spray for him. Got some more plants so his tank will look awesome. ;D<br><br>-edit-<br>Right now hes in a 40 gallon tank. But once it gets warmer we are building one for him. It will be massive.
They need a tank about 6 ft long (side to side), 2-3 feet deep, 4-6 feet high, and about twice as long as they are by the time they're fully grown. They're usually fully grown when they hit around 3 feet or so. How long did you say he is?<br>They also need a water dish big enough so they can submerge about 1/3 of their body in it too ^^ they luff water.
Good, I'm glad you do. Too many people buy reptiles without researching them beforehand and end up caring for them wrong and not being able to handle their needs. @_@ He's still got some growin to do ;3 Does he let you hold him?
He has let me hold him. But I am trying to give him time to get adjusted. He was in the process of shedding when we got him and has now shed his skin while I was gone to the store today. Went to the bathroom, has a very hearty appetite, his color is great. So it seems like he is doing pretty good. :P
Yeah, you don't want to overhandle him, especially the first week. ^^ <br>Sometimes they don't like to be held while shedding, I don't know if he's like that, but one of my Beardies sure is. Bleh, my lizards are almost a disappointment. I was so excited to get them, but they have attitude problems Their temperaments don't match the norms. The Gecko and Amieva hide all day long anyway, so I never see them. If I try to hold one of my Beardies, I run the risk of being bitten. And the nice Beardie won't tollerate much holding. I don't know what's wrong with them, most of them used to let me hold them ><; Nothing's changed care-wise for them...maybe they're just bi-polar XP That's one reason why I like snakes better than lizards. My snakes LOVE to be held. They're so fun And I never get bitten or tail-smacked when I hold them >>; *cough*Draco, Neptune, and Godzilla*cough*
<br><br>lol, never heard of a bi-polar lizard before. <br><br>Zoe: Awsomeness you got a lizard! I saw this lizard at a pet store once, it was so pretty. It's body was literally three differnt colors. Main body-green back and legs-red feet-blue. But my step-dad won't let me have fish, don't think a lizard would go over too well
I love chinese water dragons, just don't have the room for them <br><br>Every time I see the babies in stores there's always one that will stare right back at me and "stalk" me :P I'd totally get that one, unless it just wants to try to eat me...
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