I love animals and am kinda making a poll on pets.<br><br>I would love to see which kinds, and how many, pets you guys all have. I would love pics
Just so cute<br><br><br>Code, and about my pets
<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Number of Animals:</span> 18<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Kind and number of animals</span> 8 Leopard Geckos, 2 Cats, 2 Dogs, 2 Hamsters, 2 Snakes and a fish<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Names (optional
Magnum, Ziggy, Rover, Peachy, Geeky, Ryder, Squall, Spitz (leopard geckos), Oscar, Oliver (cats), Abby, Lily, (yellow labs) Ze-bu, Za-zu (hamsters) Husk (corn snake) and Jade (I take care of her at my petstore, she will never be for sale. She is an emerald tree boa)<br>Details? (optional)</span> Um, I breed my leopard geckos. I am tryign to get famous for my breedings. I already have a nice, slightly unique line of albino tangerines. I adopted my cats from someone whose cat she adopted was pregnant. I rescued my older lad, Abby, from a man who severly abused her as a pup. Lily, my other lab is 'my' dog. She listens to knowone else My hamsters names are a description of what they look like in Chinese (I think) My snake is a beautiful 3-4 year old. He is 4 feet long (about) The snake I take care of at my local petstore is very near and dear to me. She was accidentally shipped there, and there was no way they could send her back, as her needs are too high. They needed my help with some geckos, and I saw her, and asked if she was for sale, but wasn't, so I 'sponcer' her. Taking care of her (handling, misting and cleaning cage) at least 4 times a week. She is my doll. She is a beuaty too.<br><br>Have fun, would love to see pics
Boz's Art Dump
Boz's Art Dump