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:D Basset hounds

Hehe. I told my mom, if we ever got another dog, it HAS to be a basset hound/mix. Why?<br><br>Not many know this, I was deciding between Auzzy and a basset mix.. Auzzy won(duh).. Cause I didn't want to wait for the basset to be neutered. Cause I wanted a dog bad.<br><br>And we were deciding between Bella and a basset mix. So.. next time.. it must be a basset mix.. or a basset. :wink:


  • Awww, I love Basset Hounds. They're so sweet and dopey.<br><br>We had a Basset Hound for a while. She was so sweet. She got adopted though.. I wanted to keep her. :P<br><br><br>*goes to find pictures*
  • Ain't it? <br><br>Actually.. Maybe a lab.. Or better.. A basset/lab!<br><br>You see, with Auzzy.. the other two I was looking at were:<br><br>Hershey the basset and ZaZa the lab.<br>And Auzzypoobeedoo.<br><br>And with Bella, I reeeeeeallllly wanted Sampson the lab/basset.
  • 3eagles wrote:
    Awww, I love Basset Hounds. They're so sweet and dopey.<br><br>We had a Basset Hound for a while. She was so sweet. She got adopted though.. I wanted to keep her. :P<br><br><br>*goes to find pictures*
    *dances* I love their droopy faces. It adds character. Could name her Sassy.. or Mr. Personality. xD
  • I have seen a basset/lab before XD His head, was like a labs (exactly) placed on a yellow lab colored basset body :lol: <br><br><br>I have wanted a Basset since I was 8 :shock: Still no Basset in this house :( Unless you count all the collectible statues/paintings/stuffed animals I have O.o<br><br><br>When I get a Basset, Im getting a Male, and his name is going to be Connor ^.^ And he will be the cutest Lemon Basset that ever lived :P
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • :P Sampson was a black/brown one. :wink:
  • I have a basset mix :D<br><br>She's a huge sweetie, kisses and snuggling all the time... and she's realatively calm too... unlike my pointer, who is a spazz xD<br><br>Her other half is Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier :D
  • Bella's a spazz. But my Charlie baby(mah kitteh-kat) is so awesome. He acts like a dog. Licks my face, rolls on the ground, chases and retrieves sometimes, comes when called, sits on command.. XP He's my luff. My 20 pound luff.
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