I know! ><; Ugh. You spent forever on it! Its not the RPG forum that should be penalized for that, its the person that posted it! They could've done it in any forum! ><
I'm just about sick right now. All that work I put into it. <br>All the fun we were going to have..gone.<br><br><br>I understand why the post was deleted, and after that more was probably to come. <br><br>I'm just sick b/c ..after all the work I did finding these people..about 75% of the members on this forum are ads for ....nookie. and adverisements.<br><br>I've been to a few forums with RPGing and I never found that problem.<br><br>.___. I know it's not the mod's fault but I just feel really let down.
XD<br><br>Right from Ori-- "had to make it private so only people added to general group could see it, but then apparently I had to turn permissions on :P"
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