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Rules-Updated! Read Before you Post!

All VirtualPups Terms of Service Rules apply to all Role Play topics and posts.<br><br>No graphic violence or physical actions ie. No descriptive scenes of blood and gore or rape, attack or anything else you wouldn't see in a nice Disney movie.<br><br>No posts involving purposely self inflicted harm.. suicide, cutting, anorexia, that sort of thing.<br><br>No references to alcoholic beverages or of prescribed or non prescribed medication or the use of them. For instance, your character cannot have a "drinking" or substance abuse problem. Exception, if in a medieval setting, a character can <span style="font-weight:bold">occasionally</span> mention wine or mead.<br><br>Relationships are allowed, but reference to them must be G rating, a kiss or hug, or a mention of a mating between animals is allowed, but no details.<br><br>Role Playing topic such as runaways, abused people, criminals etc are not allowed. If it would not be made into a Disney movie, do not create it.<br><br>Rules are subject to change and Role Plays locked per any violation of these rules at the discretion of any Op.


  • Making this a bit more noticeable
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
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