Doodle Bug, Nobody clicks on my eggie but me! I want it to hatch SOOOOOO badly! If anyone has the time, could you click on my eggie? i don't know many people on here..... Besides Fiona May.
Cave added TopLeaf.<br>Clicked everyone's egg on this page xD<br>Also to get more clicks/views post your cave in the Barkplace and <br>put the eggs on your kennel page using the html egg code.<br>You could even give people 5k a piece to click xD<br>Just ideas *_*
Sandy if you ever want me to try to get you one I could if I had your<br>scroll info and pass and crap xD<br>Its not like I can steal anything but I can try at 10 maybe for ya.<br>Once again your choice lol.<br>If it doesnt work at all might as well not get one :?<br><br>also clicked a-sap
Due to lack of interest tomorrow is canceled. Let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held.