Hmm... Well I need a partner...<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">What You Get:</span><br>You can train your own dogs.<br>You'll have the weekdays to train your own/public dogs (you keep all profits made).<br>You can also run all the events you'd like. Run them when you'd like, ect.<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">What you'll need to do:</span><br>Train at-least 6 dogs a week (contract dogs)<br><br>The dogs that are mainly on contracts are VooDoo's Greyhounds, which are 200/200 train w/ 225 aggro (aggro goes up .3) and then another person's dogs which are show-trained that only need 280/200 w/o aggro. I'll be doing as many contracts as possible throughout the week. But will only be on mainly weekends.<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Partner Form:</span><br>1. Player Name?<br>2. Kennel Link?<br>3. How many years have you played VP?<br>4. Any Refs? (this could be for training, sharing kennels, etc.)<br>5. How long have you been a Sponsor?<br><br><span style="color:blue"><span style="font-weight:bold">This is an opportunity for you to gain experience, refs. and VPC while helping to train dogs. Every once in awhile, I'll be giving VPC, dyes, and maybe an upgrade every once in awhile to you for helping out with training.</span></span><br><br>Wont be ending for awhile.<br>If you're not a current Sponsor, or havent been one in the past, please let me know when filling out the form.
If you've ordered anything, please be patient with me. Having volcano/ash troubles. Msg me for more info, and I'll get back to you asap!! Thankies!!
we will see
Please Pm me if I win
Training: OPEN ;D
[Ver's kennel!]
we will see
Please Pm me if I win