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Someone broke into my dad's work truck last night. I sleep really close to were the truck was and heard nothing. I was up to 10:30, nothing wierd going on. My neighbor was up to like 11 and he saw and herd nothing. But this morning he looked out his window and my dad's work trucks window was smashed. They had STolen 2 breifcases that held some of my dads work stuf, and his GPS TOMTOM. Luckily they didn't grab my dad's paycheck. That would not have been good. So far the papers have been found but nothing else. And the TOMTOM was really expencive.


  • That really stinks. :( At least no one was really hurt or anything. And my dad would be in trouble of someone stole out of his car. He's a jewler and has diamonds and rings ect. In his briefcase. :?
  • That would not be good at all. My dad is Trusse Seller(THe roofs on houses are called trusses when they are just plain board and not with roofing and sheetrock or plywood)
  • Oh I see And what is a TomTom? *sorry I feel lame for asking* xD
  • That sucks :[ <br>Does your dad have any kind of tracking on the gps system?
  • That stinks. My step-dad's bronco has been broken into and the stario has been stolen, twice. Both times we didn't know what was going on either. Hopefully they'll get caught. :]
  • e.e <br><br>That's not good.<br><br>My dad's been bringing some stuff into our house lately that's worth a lot so it won't get stolen. Like certain tools worth over 10k, and information and sciences and math and things on the company in a binder.. the stuff in that is worth over 25k.. It made me paranoid. xP
  • Sadly there is no way to track the GPS system.<br><br>The scarier part is after I wrote this, and went to go stack wood. A fire started one block away from mine. Twas scary.
  • :shock: That is creepy
  • I was riding my bike down the street and I saw a police and I turned back and grabed my helemt while my mom and Bro stood at the end of the street, and they were just staring and I got there and their was firetrukers everywhere. Then we contuined with are walk and then found when we got to that part that is was still blocked off an hour later. So the police let us through scince it would take another hour to get back home, and we walked by the house and it was burnt on the inside and all the funurtre was on the outside, I was like WOAH! And the across the street house was a family friends mom. Twas uber Scary!
  • :shock: That's creepy. Hopfully everyone was ok.
  • I think so, if some one wasn't it would have been in the paper and it wasn't
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