Train some imports. I want to start a line. But I need a trainer. And I don't have enough to pay for each dog to be trained. So I was looking for a partner! I have 18 imports, and I was planing on using 16 of them for the breed. Also the person who will help gets to help me choose the breed. I want one that is not as popular as dogs like Greyhounds.<br><br>If interested please fill out the following:<br><br>Name:<br>Kennel Link:<br>why you want to help:<br>Refs:<br>Trainning examples:<br><br>Your Kennel Logo(ex. mine is SAK) will be put it on the dog along with mine. One will go before one after, so we both get credit. I'll be breeding them. Please if you don't mind help!<br><br>I'll make a list of some dogs that I'm interested in:<br>Blue Picardy Spaniel<br>Any of the new BReeds.