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Training for 8 Decoy Wolves

edited January 2008 in Auction
I'm auctioning off a training package for eight (8) decoy wolf imports (Or... not import, if you want, I guess o.O). Training is for getting the stats to at least 100 (and I mean every stat), skills, as always, included. These are going to have to be done by pairs, and might take me some time, as I do not yet have a laptop hooked up to the internets yet. <br><br>To recap:<br>8 Decoy Wolves (you supply the wolf)<br>At least <span style="font-weight:bold">100</span> in all stats<br>Skills included<br><br>SB: 500k<br>BIN: hidden<br><br>HB: none yet<br><br>I do reserve the right to end the auction early, and without a winner, especially if I only get one 500k bid, becuase that would be rediculous. XD<br><br>Happy bidding!


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