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Rescuing Dogs? How about....

edited January 2008 in Game Suggestions
<span style="font-size:200">RESCUING MONEY!</span><br><br>I luffles this idea! If we can rescue dogs, why can't we rescue the money that is from that same kennel?<br><br>The money is sitting around, waiting to get picked up. I will literally bath the money and groom it. xD
kimyo.jpeg 31275.png


  • It would be nice but that would make it ridiculously easy for rescue kennels to make a huge sum doing essentially nothing. ;P
  • well... there could be a limit on how much money they could rescue. :D
    kimyo.jpeg 31275.png
  • I have to agree with Aziu, personally im a rescue kennel and i work hard for my money...i dont think it would be fair to other VP kennels if this were to be implemented. They work hard for their money too, it this was possible people would all be rescue kennels and seach the puppy palace everyday for free money when others have to find REAL ways of getting cash....
  • I don't like the idea. ;P<br><br>For one rescuing dogs is different then money. I mean yes you can replace the dogs if they get rescued. Some people come back after they have gotten there dogs rescued and start over. I would be pissed if I had millions and my dogs + my money was gone when I returned.
  • I dont think it would be fair ont eh players that have worked for it..its bad enough for them to loose their dogs but if they come back with no money...imagine how you would feel there would be no point to the kennel and theyd have to start from scratch
  • hehe we could just make a government account type (they steal all the money in real life heck why not steal it in the game!)
  • <span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:darkred">xD Something gives me the impression that Kimmy was kidding... </span></span></span>
  • *whistles* :roll:
    kimyo.jpeg 31275.png
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