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quick pictures ava. NO colour, sorry.

edited January 2008 in Artist Alley
well, i'll try to remember to post up some examples today, but it all kinda depends on if i can find them.<br><br>ummm, just describe the picture you want, maybe throw in some references. i can pretty much do anything. doesn't have to be an animal.<br><br>i'm not amazing, but i try. no colour, just a sketch. you can have it inked and whatnot if you want, but i need my copywrite to stay on it. at least in a corner, hidden somewheres.<br><br>free. though i do accept donations.<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">please</span> only one order at a time. i will post when i'm ready to accept another order. if you post before i post saying i'm ready, i'm just going to ignore it. thank you.<br><br>well, that's 'bout it. some of you know my work, most of you don't. i have gotton a lot better by the way ^_^<br><br>Paranoid Thoughts


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