I'm making adjustments. I'm writing on the aswell.<br><br><br><br><br>Is there a way<br>I ask<br>To bring back the dead<br>If not<br>I ask<br>Is there another way instead<br>To remember one you love so much<br>One who slipped out of your grasp<br>One you seem to be forgetting <br>All of his past<br>Missing him is daily<br>Loving him is true<br>But wanting is a selfish thing<br>That's what I thought I knew<br>Learning out of story books<br>Watching movies too<br>Does nothing but upset me<br>So what can I do<br>What will revive<br>The life into me<br>What has deprived<br>My spirit, hope, and joy<br>Him I say, I miss him so<br>And will forever more<br>Which is why I'll ask again<br>I say, Is there another way<br><br><br><span style="text-decoration:underline"><span style="font-weight:bold">Changed Version</span></span><br><br>Is there a way, I ask<br>To bring back the dead<br>If not, I ask<br>Is there another way to remember them instead<br>To remember that one you loved so much<br>That one who slipped out of your grasp<br>That one you seem to be forgetting <br>Every moment of his past<br>Missing him is daily<br>And loving him is true<br>And wanting is a selfish thing<br>Or that's what I thought I knew<br>Learning out of story books<br>Watching movies too<br>Does nothing but upset me<br>So what can I do<br>Happy endings are everywhere<br>At least that's how it seems<br>Pleasing others everywhere<br>Except, of course, me<br>Now I ask, what will revive<br>The life back into me<br>And what, I ask, has deprived<br>My spirit, hope, and joy<br>Him I say, I miss him so<br>And will forever more<br>Which is why I'll ask again<br>I say, Is there another way

Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt