Hey everyone! I was gone this past week, in case you didn't notice. <br><br>I was up in Ely, Minnesota, dogsledding and cross-country skiing through a program called Outward Bound ( <a href="
http://outwardboundwilderness.org/" target="_blank" class="bb-url">
http://outwardboundwilderness.org/</a> , <a href="
http://outwardboundwilderness.org/adv_course_finder.php?action=exec&mainactivity=Dogsledding" target="_blank" class="bb-url">
http://outwardboundwilderness.org/adv_c ... ogsledding</a>).<br>I will try to post a few pics of my dog team as soom as my film is developed.<br><br>I just wanted to let everyone know that there are many retired sleddogs up at the OB base that need loving homes. All dogs are free, except shipping if necessary. Most are purebred Alaskan/Siberian Husky, and some are Alaskan/Northern mixed breeds. Most have heavy, fluffy coats, but don't let that discourage you if you live in the South. Some of the dogs have thinner coats than others, and as long as they have a loving family, can stay almost anywhere in the U.S.<br><br>Many of these dogs have been up there for a while, not because they are bad dogs, but simply because not too many people hear about them. They don't have an adoption website, but if you would like I can give you a phone number. After matching you with your perfect dog(based on climate, other dogs/animals, and kids), they will gladly give you a dog.<br><br>Most of these dogs are elderly(because they're retired), but they're in excellent physical shape. One retired dog that stayed on campus was 14, and upon meeting her everyone thought she was 8 at the most. There are occasionally also some young dogs who are not suited to pull for one reason or another for adoption as well. <br><br>Two of the dogs I can remember that are up for adoption at the moment are Moses, a beautiful red and white husky(who I have pictures of and will post sometime soon) who loves attention and will poke you if you don't pet him, and Ursus, a fluffy boy who looks rather like a sheep and is very cute and loving. Most of the dogs know sit and sledding commands. <br><br>These dogs just need loving homes, and I thought I'd get the word out a bit. Please delete this is I'm not allowed to post it, but if you can it would be amazing if you could sticky this.<br><br><br><br>This is the adoptable dog, Moses, that I got a picture of. <br><br><img src="
http://i188.photobucket.com/albums/z55/Cobalts_Sales_Kennel/IMG22A.jpg" alt="
http://i188.photobucket.com/albums/z55/Cobalts_Sales_Kennel/IMG22A.jpg" class="bb-image" />